amethyst March 12, 2024 2:17 pm

she can die in a gutter for all I care

    Just ghost here March 12, 2024 2:31 pm

    bruh fr she should suffer more cuz she aint getting away w being a pedo, and im sad that theres not a lof of good gl’s story and this will be added to that if it is a gl’s story cuz wtf i dont give a FUCK about a gl’s pedo story, out of here ya bitch, but considering the pace i think shes gonna get a happy ending FAK

    amethyst March 12, 2024 3:09 pm

    ah yes, that's the troupe, redemption arc lol... and I hate that seme is ignoring the sign from uke's repulsion towards that woman, he should've know better after the same case with the previous highschooler girl, sigh I swear angsty BL is making my head throbs, why can't author just skip it to them getting in the same household register a. k. a getting married instead of stretching out these useless drama plot