Yea I agree. Season 2 doesn't make sense at all. Like it wasn't actually planned, but that the author was forced to make a second season under contract.
-The "let everyone forget about me" ending of the first season was stupid in the first place. Even if you make people forget about you, you can never erase the impact your actions had on the world. This would have always created issues.
And in season 2:
-The big bad guy's entire plan right now is basically: Lets ally ourselves with the forces of evil, so we can kill someone of my own species whom is more likely to be on our side, simply because he's stronger than us and I had some "vision" through those demonic powers I've obtained. (who's to say those evil demons you're allying yourself with weren't manipulating those visions in their favour?)
-This alliance of world leaders and powerful people makes no sense unless they're all complete morons and wholly incompetent leaders. Like, they all decide to ally themselves with a clearly evil guy even within the universe, all because he showed them a "vision" of a bad future? How do ANY of them know he's actually showing them a vision of the future? And even if the vision is real, how does ANY of them know he's actually showing them the full truth rather than manipulating the images to favor his viewpoint? There's simply NO FUCKING WAY that a dozen or so world leaders/strong people all simply believe this INCREDIBLY shady person's visions. Without any ACTUAL evidence.
-Why in the hell are all of those people in the alliance believing the big bad guy, when all our MC has done is killing rank 7+ monsters? Gibong didn't even take the items. He was simply hunting rank 7+ monsters and nothing else!
I'm still reading the story for the good art. But goddamn, the story took a HUGE nose dive in the second season. It should have ended after the first season 100%.
after reading the comments and the part im at, it’s so true that the story line is wack. this was SUCH a good story and i was really excited for it. i thought it was gna b a quick ending but it just keeps going. S1 is a 9/10 but so far S2 seems forced. like it’s kinda confusing. i like the little plot twist of the prime minister switching sides
I hope it gets better ( ̄へ ̄)