'Fiction affects reality' EXACTLY, .
This is why I say porn ( or certain types )is so damaging to people. Like the way they describe women and the way they treat women in those videos makes it so easy for people to treat women like that in real life.
And when you have young boys with this huge catalogue of it, and then put it with all the other types of media. Pushing this narrative that women 'love getting beat and abused', has real life ramifications- I've seen an increase in the amount of women saying that they're getting assaulted in bed. One of my favourite creators said it's a world for men where you 'Choke first and ask later'. The media they consume makes it so easy to objectify women, shit like this really shouldn't be a fantasy.
men fantasize about a world where rape is perfectly legal and every girl is secretly into them violating them in the most horrific way possible, an apocalyptic event is a male fantasy, but a death sentence to women. i used to talk about it w my female friends liked wtf would we do if the world ended/ apocalypse happened and how fast assault was brought up as the most realistic aspect was not surprising sadly. fiction effects reality sorry, just look at the correlation between men who consume anti- women content and their likelihood to go on a rampage or kill a woman/ girl for rejecting them, etc. same for manga authors that are secretly pedos and fantasize about children through their works.