don't. dont give up on a story just because you don't think it will have a happy ending or that it will go all rosy pink and happy. You can't always have things the way you want them, tragedies teach us that. You need to learn to face even things that are a bit unpleasant. It's a really good story and well developed. You're missing our on the experience... and learning to deal with negative emotions ... even the butthurt commenters here are learning something... though they are showing their poor character now... maybe by next time they will be a bit more mature

Listen bookie I get what ur saying and I appreciate that but for the stories I read I rather not deal with obnoxious miscommunication or no communication at all or just plain angst u know. A lot of webtoon authors loveee doing that. I can very much handle all ranges of emotions irl but I just dislike reading it and having chapters on chapters of the same problem that could’ve been handled quickly. I will definitely comeback to this story, don’t worry but I rather not binge something where I can’t feel satisfaction when I finish it. I don’t mind a tragedy/bad ending btw.

ok. tbf you did say you'll think about it... My response was more to those saying they give up on it completely. It's also about the knowing how a story will go ahead of time, which is kinda disheartening. It it's just too painful drop it. I usually only drop them if they become boring but there have been some where the painful part just kept going on and on with not a glimpse of relief that I ended up dropping.
I was planning on starting this story but after looking at the comments…..ima have to let it marinate a lil more