My Goofy Baby Sawoo! Please be happy

FujoBoSS March 11, 2024 2:27 pm

Ah! From where should I start!
Obviously my love for Artstyle comes first
It's beautiful Sawoo is so cute and naiive and lovely that I can understand that why he's an Angel. He does good without any notice, and he's a sweetheart to anyone but but! Kido! Damn you! I like u! But Damn! My baby Sawoo suffered a lot all those 4 years, and you knew he is a Airy headed person, so you should have TAKEN THE FIRST APPROACH TO HAVE A PROPER CONVERSATION WITH HIM. Bro you know he is serious about WORDS! Even if it's like Don't go their, there's a ghost, he'll definitely believe it! So you know, the communication was needed, baby Sawoo was pining for you not to leave, coz, he liked you, and promised to love you eternally
