Good take. I see you are not a hater and truly a Jinx fan. No matter how desperate Dan was to have signed the paper as his very last option, his signature is the physical proof that his ass belongs to Jaekyung. No matter how many tears Dan sheds and no's he shouts it is by law not rape. Dan not giving consent after signing invalid.
Chapter 35 is also not unconsensual. Just because Dan was purposely left in the dark about Jaekyung allowing Heesung to see him naked in such a condition doesn't make it rape because Heesung didn't enter Dan. Dan's clear consent
has not been violated. Similarly if a man not desiring fatherhood sleeps with someone, she is not violating his consent by poking holes or being off birth control without his knowledge. That won't be rape because he agreed to sleep with her. Anyone disagreeing is a rape defender.
Dan flicked Jaekyung's arm when he didn't want to continue anymore because the hospital called. He also struggled so hard to get away from Jaekyung's impending rape that he ended up slapping Jaekyung on the cheek. Dan is abusive. Jaekyung is the victim. Dan agreed to the deal, regardless of Dan's desperate situation on all four sides (bills, housing, loan, no sustainable job) so Jaekyung always has a right over Dan. It's not rape even if Dan says NO repeatedly. If you disagree you don't understand the meaning of the story. You are likely a hater.