I am once again asking yall to understand that unofficial site tags =/= official tags. Thi...

March 11, 2024 6:56 am

I am once again asking yall to understand that unofficial site tags =/= official tags. This series never had a BL tag on any official sites and Young Ace Up(magazine this is serialised in) always had only seinen in it. The only reason the official translation doesn't have a BL tag is because this was never a BL, it's a horror story with lgbt+ characters, that's it. The lack of a BL tag doesn't magically delete any gay romance or lgbt+ identities in the manga, all it means is the gay romance is not the crucial part of the plot because mangas rarely get the BL tag unless the romance is the focus(ex. "Kinou Nani Tabeta?" doesn't have a BL tag anywhere even though gayness and the gay relationship between the leads is a huge part of the manga). I haven't seen the author deny the queerness of the story on their twitter, just them saying they dont want this manga to be seen as a typical BL manga, so I'm confused af about peoples reactions and I think they're just too fujoshi brained to appreciate an actual queer story.

    Fueru March 11, 2024 5:40 pm

    I guess it's because people came expecting the bl to be a somewhat huge part of it because of the tag, but fells somewhat cheated when the gayness is on the minimum. I remember when the Manga first dropped and everyone exited for the horror X BL tag because it's such a rarity (my speculation).
    (I myself still want the gayness to grow more so when there's not much romantic relationship (?) between the leads I was a bit bummed, but I love horror and the writing is intriguing so I'll be staying.

    March 11, 2024 10:43 pm
    I guess it's because people came expecting the bl to be a somewhat huge part of it because of the tag, but fells somewhat cheated when the gayness is on the minimum. I remember when the Manga first dropped and ... Fueru

    Yeah the problem is people not checking the official tags since all it was ever tagged with on the official site was <Supernatural, Horror, Mystery, Suspense> since release. Unoffical sites like tagging any manga with gay romance or gay characters as bl and then have to delete that tag once the official translation gets released. It's really just an issue with how unofficial sites do their tags unfortunately. I do hope people wont attack the author for any percieved gay erasure, since that's not what's happening here :(

    Fueru March 12, 2024 1:27 am
    Yeah the problem is people not checking the official tags since all it was ever tagged with on the official site was <Supernatural, Horror, Mystery, Suspense> since release. Unoffical sites like tagging a...

    If they do then that's dirty. That's not even the author fault. And that also just make them known by the author that they read from unofficial site.