Finally finished it

riyu March 11, 2024 5:47 am

let’s applaud the author for such insanneeeee are improvements- such a banger. The ending was bittersweet, I know that dooshik and jooha both lived afterwards (according to the author’s twt post) and it’s nice to know that the koh twins survived. Ok now that I e said that, imma talk about some issues I had w the ending- or just in general.

Ending w pilwon; I did not like his ending. I think with how the author drew gore for other scenes, they should done something similar for him- pilwon dying from the cliff was too peaceful of a death for his character and it feels unfair. Also his ending was hella rushed- we only knew he died from the newscaster and daehui, I think it would’ve been nice if it was shown how he died, last breath n all lmao.

Koh twins; I’m a lil confused on their relationship- like are they just bros or did they fuck each other?? Cause daehui was hard when daekwang was being gangbanged- I don’t remember previous chapters before ch 70 sooooo

the amnesia; idk if it was just me or others feel the same but it honestly felt cheap to do that route- especially on the last ending scenes, you telling me he was amnesiac for less than 3 chapters and call it done? Wack- also the implication that IF jooha hadn’t fallen of the ice and remembered everything- he would’ve remember little by little of his memories of him and pilwon and mistake dooshik as pilwon (bc he thought he first met dooshik in the restaurant, when it was his first meeting with pilwon). That fucking sucks- imagine having dooshik see it happen and CANT tell jooha their memories together bc it’s associated to so many dark memories he wants to hide away.
