There are indeed a lot of good queer supernatural manga/manhwa. Black mirror, Sora’s eyes, An abyss, Distorted soul, At the end of death, Bound to be, Uncanny charm, these are just a bunch I recalled off the top of my head. Some of these have good story, some of these have excellent art, and some of them have both. There isn’t a shortage of this. I don’t think the story is suddenly being changed, it never was a romance, I don’t think “Hikaru” and Yoshiki were ever going to romantically end up together and the story never promised a good ending anyways. And Yoshiki is still queer, he still loves Hikaru, that relationship isn’t in the background, it is one of the central emotional turmoils this story has, Yoshiki’s love and longing for Hikaru is very important, and it’s gay af, it’s just that there isn’t going to be romance between “Hikaru” and Yoshiki and I think that’s a better direction.

See I don't really like just supernatural manga/manwha though, and I didn't like Black Mirror at all. When you do check both Shounen-ai and Horror when you do the search, you come up with barely anything is what I'm talking about (Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu being one of the 22! of that list, but ig not anymore). So yeah, there is a shortage of shounen-ai that revolves around horror. A lot of what you listed was just supernatural based, or yaoi (which I'm not a super big fan of anyways) not actual horror/thriller.
Also, the story could go literally however the mangaka wants, which could have at least kept the little romance that was being set up in the first 2 volumes, as many people have also stated there definitely was. Hikaru is literally dead, so while Yoshiki might still love him, it's a moot point because Yoshiki was mourning Hikaru. It's nice to a have gay main character, but it's not great when it's queer-baiting.

I wouldn't be surprised if the author realized they could have a bigger audience by just removing the BL or queer labels. It's unfortunate, but homophobia is still rampant especially in the anime/manga space.
In any case, I don't expect happy endings when horror is involved so I didn't have the expectation for that. I just wanted a good horror story with queer characters in it.

It really is pretty rampant, especially since a large portion of yaoi is written by straight women with some fetishy behavior towards men-loving-men relationships. It's why I mostly read shounen-ai bc it's not usually fetishy.
Some horror has happy endings but ur right, most end either badly or ambiguously. Which I'm fine with, it's nice having queer main characters in genre other than pure romance/slice of life, but when there is added queer-baiting... nope.

They are all horror, thriller, and supernatural, including Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu, I also hated black mirror, hated both the main characters. They have blatant horror elements with a well rounded mystery. It does suck if they just removed the BL tag mid story but as other comments have stated, it never had the BL tag to begin with when it was first published, the tag just existed on unofficial sites like this one. So it isn’t as though the author changed it or smth. Also I would hate HATE Yoshiki using “Hikaru” as a replacement for Hikaru, that story has been done so many times and I hated it every time, it trivializes Hikaru and Yoshiki’s love for him. It would make Hikaru a plot device to get Yoshiki and “Hikaru” together, instead we get his lovely spectre and presence ever present in the story, his memory is important and not just a tool, he is very dear to Yoshiki.

The BL tag wasn't removed by the author, it was never there. The BL/Shounen Ai tag got added on unofficial sites like baka and mal by people because it had gay romance, so they had to remove it once an official translation without a BL tag got released lol. Author is not removing the gay aspect nor did moku ever mean for this to be bl, it's just a queer horror story. The whole "removing the bl tag" is a huge misunderstanding

Shounen ai has never been a real tag in japan, it was created by western fans to differentiate non-sex and sex BL, its only niche use case in japan was for shotacon content(written differently than 'boys love'). "Period" was a short story in Comic Gene, it was not serialised so it doesn't have tags per se, idk about the other one-shot since I couldn't find its source. As I've said this whole misunderstanding is due to official sites having a completely different tagging system than all of unofficial sites, that btw commonly tag works incorrectly, ex. "Villain" on unofficial sites was tagged as josei even though virtually every site selling it has it tagged as seinen. I don't have a source for mokumoku's statement on them wanting the story to focus on horror aspects since I saw it in some interview with them and don't know how to find it again, but reading through their twt should help you understand they're neither homophobic, nor removing any part of the queerness. I read the raws for hgsn since ch1 and never saw a BL tag anywhere, you can just go on the earliest snapshot of the original release site on wayback machine(right after ch1) to see it for yourself:
https://web.archive.org/web/20210831021032/ https://web-ace.jp/youngaceup/contents/1000183/
All it was ever tagged with is <Supernatural, Horror, Mystery, Suspense>, none of the stores selling this manga have the BL tag either.
In japan, a "BL" tag is not used for every manga with a gay relationship, it's used only for mangas that focus mainly on the gay relationship and fit a specific mould. You'll find many mangas that have queer relationships as big parts of the story, but since they don't fit the "BL" archetype, they don't get a BL tag. Unofficial sites will still tag them as bl/yaoi/shounen ai however. That's usually not an issue unless an official translation comes and it turns out, just like the original, it doesn't have a BL tag(like in this case). Basically don't shit on the author but on the editors of unofficial sites.

The other manga of the author was also on this site, you should read it because it's explicitly yaoi. I'm basing my assumption on the author's past work which is only two as far as I know and both have gay characters so one can assume that this manga will also have the same tags. The first volume of Hikaru although it doesn't explicitly say it, there are multiple hints that it is Shounen Ai at least. Even on the original one shot of Hikaru, both the characters kissed so there's that. My point is it's disappointing if the author was forced to removed the BL part by the publisher because of how it got famous. But if the author willingly removed it and doesn't originally plan for the two characters to developed romantically then I have no fight with that, it's just the author already set the BL tone for the first few volumes and removing that part completely is sus.

It's not though? Shounen AI tag doesn't exist in official releases and only works that have a romance focus get a BL tag. That's the whole point, a story can have gay romance and not have a bl tag(like in this case) but because unofficial sites like to force "yaoi" and "shounen ai" into everything that has a gay romance in it, a misunderstanding was born. This work never had a BL tag nor did it ever get advertised as such, it has gay characters and elements of romance but that doesn't mean it'd get a BL tag. No tag was removed nor was the author forced to change the story, it's just westerners misunderstanding because they think unofficial tags somehow mean anything.
Guess I won't be picking this up anymore. Like, I like horror and all, but there aren't a lot of GOOD queer romance stories revolving around horror/thriller. I loved the shounen ai aspects even if it was just background. But for the author to just up and change in the middle and the story possibly ending on a bad note? Nah. I'm a gay that wants gay romance thriller/horror stories that doesn't possibly end with the death of a LGBT character T^T