Quick question, i will probably read this after it's complete for sure but may i know why ...

Firchan March 11, 2024 2:31 am

Quick question, i will probably read this after it's complete for sure but may i know why they have sex with random women? Isit part of their mission or something???

    Kitty March 11, 2024 2:36 am

    Nope....it was simply for pleasure. Plus mc told that the woman was his type, so ml bring her over.

    RadScientist March 13, 2024 8:30 am

    Theyre both originally straight for the most part (but that changes eventually) so I guess thats why women are recurrent. ML is impulsive and just likes to screw around, he does it in front of MC just to tease him/piss him off because he finds MCs reactions entertaining. MC said this type of woman was his type so ML brought her over since she wanted to sleep with them anyways, and he also wants to frustrate MC and get him some action. In short, ML likes one nights and pissing MC off, MC doesnt normally sleep with people like this but this women in particular was his ideal type and he's frustrated because of ML, so he slept with her in the heat of the moment. Theres also more to it but that'll spoil some things, so I'll leave it at this for now :P