Dropped. Rewritten comment cause the first one was just not it

Rose March 11, 2024 1:17 am

I did try to like this one cause it was well marketed in tiktok but man was this so boring. Like almost like I want my time back. Lololol it was boring and just soooo superficial so shallow, ya know? I can't explain not even when this is my second comment. Maybe it's because the fl is bland? Hmm. She was trying to be like nonchalant to the point of having no character at all. There were instances where it was trying to like get sympathy for the fl but even that I couldn't care. It was not tangible, the feeling... it didn't take me there the storyline and how it was narrated or how it was sequenced. It's not even edging me, it's just dead.

Or have I become emotionless?

I did try though but I really do think if you have the time to commit to a long story like this one you have the time to look for another read. Like tbh, it was so underwhelming cause why is the most "awaited fight" like that? There was nothing to it. I could even say it was a random peak. It was like supposedly the high of this what's that called again in part of stories. Searched. It said conflict. Conflict. That was so underwhelming and she's wearing a goofy ass dress too. Not even like aesthetically pleasing. She had feathers on! imagine this, your mortal enemy since your past life and you show up in a puffy dress and it's not like she was unintentionally brought to a fight. No, she intentionally got up, dressed like that to a fight with the trying to be "demon king" no less. There was a a conscious thought behind that get up.

You would think fighting a "demon king" would have this like epic battle but they're literally in a room. Bro it couldn't be more underwhelming than that imagine all that 80+ chapters and the main conflict was this, so goofy lol. Now I didn't read everything so once again I should say don't quote me on anything cause what do I know

But yeah, I won't recommend this. But that's just me tbh maybe if I had given it more time to develop maybe ...? But mannn if I had the time to be patient for something like this I'd spend it on looking for another same story in different font, that's what I think. No need to force yourself liking something, noh?

Also, I saw someone commenting people are just too lazy to read through what they admittedly thought was also a slow beginning. You're telling me people here are too lazy to read? Heh. Idk in my pov people just want to read what they want. Not their cup of tea, not their cup of tea. It's kinda simple.

Overall, it did try. But it wasn't enough. And we can't always be enough for everyone. It wasn't this story's fault it just that we don't see eye to eye. Not compatible. Now that got me thinking. I want to blab about a life update but I will write that another time. Maybe today in another story or no... Who knows? I never know.
