Don't read slow burn when you're impatient :)

Consenting Seme March 10, 2024 9:31 pm

She's been married for like a month y'all are expecting her to divorce already bffr. "She's so weak" maybe because she's handling a job that requires 20 people alone and she's slowly dying because her bitch ass "mother" poisoned her. Lack of analytical skills and self-centeredness will be the death of fiction

    Corpse 。MIKU 。 March 18, 2024 6:27 am

    Like people asking why she faints and why she can’t just use magic in the palace as if it wasn’t already said and explained and then people wanting her to divorce already and saying there is no chemistry between MC and ML as if it hasn’t been like 1week- month in the storyline time like damn this shit just started calm down

    Consenting Seme March 18, 2024 6:32 pm
    Like people asking why she faints and why she can’t just use magic in the palace as if it wasn’t already said and explained and then people wanting her to divorce already and saying there is no chemistry be... Corpse 。MIKU 。

    IKR even at the beginning it took like 5 chapters until her wedding which indicated since the beginning that this was gonna be a slow-burn.

    And she won't run away as she's clearly trying to save the Edgmondians from death because of her shortdick husband and his puppet master. Like people should really hone their analytical skills cause everything they've been complaining about has already been answered already

    Corpse 。MIKU 。 March 18, 2024 6:44 pm
    IKR even at the beginning it took like 5 chapters until her wedding which indicated since the beginning that this was gonna be a slow-burn. And she won't run away as she's clearly trying to save the Edgmondians... Consenting Seme

    I swear slowburns are not for everyone and from the looks of it these people shouldn’t even be reading this genre with how poor their reading comprehension is, maybe they should just read some action adventure mangas where they explain everything that’s happening every chapter because I’m tired of looking at the comments expecting to see people talk about how they hate [x] character and how they think [b] will happen but instead, I see people asking stupid questions that was already answered in the story itself and complaining about things that again was already explained in the story or just makes no sense. These people make me feel smart with the way they refuse to understand basic things

    aerslevdi March 21, 2024 2:00 pm

    Why are you the only one making sense ┗( T﹏T )┛ I can't stand people either saying she's weak or that she should get away. I'm pretty sure is the same people that would complain about being OOC if she runs.

    aerslevdi March 21, 2024 2:03 pm
    I swear slowburns are not for everyone and from the looks of it these people shouldn’t even be reading this genre with how poor their reading comprehension is, maybe they should just read some action adventur... Corpse 。MIKU 。

    Worst part is, this is not even a slowburn. A medium burn, if you will, at most. People can't even follow a plot line of less than a 100 chapters. I wish I could say it's new but I remember people asking things that were explained maybe 1-2 chapters back. It's insane.