Unpopular opinion

thetruenickname March 10, 2024 2:04 pm

Why everyone’s mad at Joo Jaekyung and treat doc Dam as the victim here? I mean, first night he asked him if he’s ok fvckin for money and doc says yes. He also agree with being hired to fvck and help him deals with his jinx and medical conditions every months. All Joo Jaekyung ever wants is him to take care of his athletic conditions and sexual needs but doc Dumb continue to act like this things were never discussed. JJ payed all of his debt and medical treatments for his grandma just to allow him to do his job as best as possible, taking care of him at 360 degrees. Of course JJ was mad at him in America, doc Dumb know about his sleeping issues and needs, but spent the night laughing hard and not worrying about his condition. (Also the jinx, always remember he is high payed monthly to take care of it, especially the day before fighting). Of course he was mad at him for his birthday gift, he was not spending time doing what he was payed for but wasting himself over a stupid kaychain. He is n1 MMA fighter paying a dumb to spent all his money and time over stupid things or caring about others first instead of him. And the day before this match he doesn’t even deal with him about the topics for which he’s hired. He’s payed to do so. He’s payed to be professional. He agree on that, no one forced him. So he HAVE TO act as a professional or just leave. Oh, but of course he would not because he prefer getting JJ’s money, sometimes even in advance. Btw I’m so in love with this psychological story and art, just can’t understand why you’re acting like you’re not really reading it (is more like you’re just watching the drawings instead of understand the conversations and subtle expressions or details). Bye !

    Livegna March 10, 2024 3:32 pm

    You said it! The doc's also acting like a GIRL who thinks he can make the top love him although the top CLEARLY showed him otherwise. It seems the doc is a girl who can't take no for an answer it irritates me( ̄へ ̄)

    thetruenickname March 10, 2024 6:30 pm
    You said it! The doc's also acting like a GIRL who thinks he can make the top love him although the top CLEARLY showed him otherwise. It seems the doc is a girl who can't take no for an answer it irritates me... Livegna

    So trueeeee !!!! He’s also older than everyone but acting like a GIRL every time ! I mean, you’re not staying at his home because you’re his fiancée! Imaging hiring an accountant for 10k a month that instead of caring about YOUR bill he’s more into caring about your colleagues bills and buying cupcakes .. it’s not about being nice to someone you paid THOUSANDS at month’s, it’s about professionalism! Imaging you’re the one spending 10k/month to someone + have payed all of his debt just to work for you and than receive that.. when you can have hired others.. JJ really likes him (>.<) btw, love this drama so much ahahaha

    cute.as.ducks March 11, 2024 12:13 am

    Don’t call Doc Dan a girl. It’s an insult to women.

    Manhwaspicy March 11, 2024 1:34 am
    Don’t call Doc Dan a girl. It’s an insult to women. cute.as.ducks


    Silent Lucidity March 11, 2024 5:01 am

    Holy shit... it's Joo Jaekyung, himself! Hey ya bastard... I'm still waiting to interview you