Bye hoe

Dolly March 10, 2024 7:03 am

Imma say this shit once. Don't dm me bout no drama and don't tell me bout it cuz idgaf. Y'all niggas really making me out to be a mother fucking cult leader. bsfr. I don't even know the niggas who are agreeing with me. The only hoe I'm friends with is Tang Ina. Thas it. Now don't mention my name in this shit no mo

    Dolly March 11, 2024 4:43 am

    Bailey bot I appreciate the defending but both sides need to just stop.

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 4:47 am
    Bailey bot I appreciate the defending but both sides need to just stop. Dolly

    I got it. This is my last comment on this thread

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 6:32 am

    BaileyBot needs to stop gas lighting, stop posting misinformation, and understand the conversation before she calls people liars.

    MD told you to leave him alone many times. Why he says that is to get you to stop harassing him. BaileyBot is gaslighting. He does not encourage harassment and he does not harass anyone. You guys are so annoying and weak with the gaslighting. Always gaslighting. Do you even know the truth anymore?

    That BaileyBot is the pedo protector since they worked with the pedo to set up the real one. And they are obsessed with calling others pedos. They step out the real. The real one never DM. What BaileyBot did was unforgivable and heinous.

    BaileyBot horrid lie of an album came after! They should never added those comments but at least discredits her.
    Her view and gaslighting does not define her victims.

    BaileyBot is disgusting for what she did. She setup the real one to still running with an exposed lie.
    MD and friends never bullied anyone off this site. Tangina was the harasser. Tangina was trying to force them off the page. Before that everyone was making TM a joke. You guys have always tried to run them off. Stop the annoying gaslighting. Either ignore them or listen to them. None of are talking about the real ones. You have gaslighted yourself so much you have lost the truth and the real them.

    baileybit needs to stop assuming and making things up. She is the evil sickening cyberstalker.

    I was talking about before that. You made a topic February 13 going after the real one when he was barely making comments and he was talking about the current drama. He had every right to warn people about people impersonating him and others but somehow you made it about November?? Your name was not mentioned then. You had no right trying to suppress his or anyone voices. You went after Tora the same way when he was defending himself. Do you have problems with people defending themselves? Are they supposed to be doormats and take your abuse?

    The real MD and friends stands up to protect everyone so the haters, harassers, and people like BaileyBot does not push them away. BaileyBot is deflecting their behavior on her victims.
    They protect people from getting attacked. They can’t feel guilty for something they never did.
    Thanks for posting what a cult is. You have always went after them calling them a cult when it doesn’t fit. Sorry, Dolly, you are part of a cult. So is BaileyBot.
    Cult a system of religious vegeration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or figure.
    -a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs of classes, regarded by others as strange or sinister.
    -A misplaced or recessive admiration for a particular person or thing. (Another words obsessed with)

    The group you are is obsessed with harming and gaslighting them. You do have a leader. The “king”.
    Which your account or Tang could be his alts. You guys have been after them in different ways and tactics since July. Now you guys have impersonated them and set them up. You can’t stop gaslighting them and what is happening. When one of your group says something like they are cult all the members came out to say that. Same thing different accounts. Same arguments different accounts. But most accounts follow each other.
    You never stop saying they are a cult. You never stop making them all one person. You never stopped harassing them when they said stop. They are the victims here. You never went after all sides. You always went after the victims. Stopping them does nothing to stop your cult from going after them. They have been done since October and that was before Tang deleted her account. They been done. Go after your cult. Go after dishonest and corrupt BaileyBot who is only gaslighting people and spreading lies that have been exposed. She is disgusting for setting up someone. Is BaileyBot an alt of Tang’s? That would explain the setup as she set them up many times before. That would explain her hostility towards them as there was no reason for her to do this but it shows how insane she is.
    It is a game to your cult. If the lie keeps up they push off Tang. We will post the truth. She only deleted her account to harm them. How do you get someone to delete their account or push them off when they avoid her. They wanted nothing to do with her as she acted like that. She said she unblocked them because she wanted an answer and none of them replied to her.
    Tang gaslighted them with those two post. Her “evidence” doesn’t support her if you read the threads. One she posted was of the peace offering that she rejected to be hostile towards them. Tang was an alt and part of the cult to harm them. “Let’s bury the hatchet” “we would prefer if you to start having civil conversations with us instead of spreading lies.” “Your hate is not returned” 10/19/2023 by MD. Tang came back hostile. She said she plan to not interact with them but she chased them threads and make topics about them when they defended others. 10/19 she said they were not interacting with her. MD even said “we will not hate Tangina. We love Tangina. We will always extend our friendship to her”. Oct 21 she deleted her account after her lie was revealed after she made threats. She threatened them twice. Tangina was not a victim. They have always been the victims here. Just because they stand up to the cult and has a different perspective from the cult. They were done with this cult in October. This cult can’t leave them alone. They’re good people. The cult has them wrong or the cult after them are evil disgusting hideous cyber stalkers who will go as far to impersonate them and set them up.

    Dolly March 11, 2024 6:42 am

    Oh I see what u mean by the topic on feb 13th. Lowkey kinda was misinformed. Also the niggas making the fake accs are confusing me cuz now I don't know who is saying what and tbh half the time i don't read y'all's long ass essay cuz of i gotta short attention spam so i just swipe through them. Also nigga I'm tryna have a civil convo with yu. Yuh don't gotta keep insulting me tf? I'm tryna end this just like you are??

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 7:13 am
    Oh I see what u mean by the topic on feb 13th. Lowkey kinda was misinformed. Also the niggas making the fake accs are confusing me cuz now I don't know who is saying what and tbh half the time i don't read y'al... Dolly

    I don’t have you blocked and you don’t have me blocked.
    Dolly, we can tag each other.
    They tried to understand the ones making fake accounts and trying to help with the misinformation but the cyberstalkers are not wanting to work with them.
    We get confused too.
    You are trying to be civil with the name calling? Where have I insulted you? Your actions from October to this post has been harassment them and following the same patterns of the group that is after them. If you think I have insulted you. Do you think they are insulted by you? You have gaslighted them many times. I was not trying to insult you.
    November TM made three post. One he was agreeing with the op and someone started it with him to degrading him later. Two he was sharing yaoi was not porn and he was mocked but not to the one he was as talking to. They said he left and this group that is always after them attacked TM for 4 days and did not realize TM left. The third one he wanted the know more but the op played him.
    TM didn’t start any of that. MD stood up and took all the heat. You made it them and went after them. You attacked him for standing up for TM and a few others.
    TM and a few others were talking about the story. They don’t want the drama or attention.

    In the impersonators situation you post links to harm them. MD never attacked you. They can’t post without getting attacked. They never been the problem. You used the same tactics from the group that is after them uses. If you are not apart of that group You have been lied to about them.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 7:23 am
    Oh I see what u mean by the topic on feb 13th. Lowkey kinda was misinformed. Also the niggas making the fake accs are confusing me cuz now I don't know who is saying what and tbh half the time i don't read y'al... Dolly

    They said you just came to yell at them. Have you ever tried to talk to them? Have you ever gave them a real chance? I am sure they will be willing to work with you and most that has attacked them. They realize some of from question that has misinformation about them. They spent a few weeks being confused they had no clue what was happening and why people were changing their perspectives. They never understood why Tang hated them so much. They never understand why you have done what you have. They will never understand the fake accounts or BaileyBot setup. But has anyone after tried to talk to them. Not force opinions or play them. You are talking to me many the most civil we have seen from you.
    Have you ever done that with them? Have you just attacked them then assume and accused them?

    Dolly March 11, 2024 7:32 am
    They said you just came to yell at them. Have you ever tried to talk to them? Have you ever gave them a real chance? I am sure they will be willing to work with you and most that has attacked them. They realize... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    I did not try talking to them. The first time I was involved in this I saw a lot of people making topics askin what was happening. I did the same except I laughed at it. I didn't think it was a big deal. I'm not sure who it was but someone yelled at me for starting the drama back up when it was not my intention. The reason I sided with Tang ina was cuz they sent me a message in a more calm tone then the other person so I saw her as "The good guy" And was defending her and was "on her side" but now I'm on my own side. The side I just want people to chill and stop yellin at each other

    Lydia March 11, 2024 8:11 am
    I don’t have you blocked and you don’t have me blocked. Dolly, we can tag each other. They tried to understand the ones making fake accounts and trying to help with the misinformation but the cyberstalkers ... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Wow what a stalker. youre even talking abt their inner thoughts and intentions. i can't even read comments without your spam and i know theyre all your alt accounts. October? huge stalker alert D:

    Lydia March 11, 2024 8:13 am

    like i can tell you have no job. managing all your alts and keeping track of months old details in this forum is your job

    Dolly March 11, 2024 8:25 am

    Bro stop. You just antagonizing them ur not helping.

    Lydia March 11, 2024 8:57 am
    Bro stop. You just antagonizing them ur not helping. Dolly

    was not even my intention. his spam is annoying to everyone, idek if he knows how much ppl dont care and he writes his days away spamming for no reason

    Dolly March 11, 2024 9:12 am
    was not even my intention. his spam is annoying to everyone, idek if he knows how much ppl dont care and he writes his days away spamming for no reason Lydia

    I get whatchu saying. No one cares abt any of this tbh lmfao.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 3:35 pm
    Bro stop. You just antagonizing them ur not helping. Dolly

    Thanks. I would not talked to them but to tell them to stop. On your other topic the impersonator of TM wanted to know who we were. And on another topic they said something about the end of January (which leads to one person and that person started and changed MD’s positions.). They found this link.

    That account was impersonating Candy. Maybe BaileyBot’s alt. Someone hates them but this is no excuse to treat them like this.

    They are always antagonizing. They are doing it now on other links. MD and friend post research and facts. That is never spam. The cyberstalkers are the one spamming they are doing something really trivial and tragic. They are the ones that start it. The real ones are not in this mess. If you want it to stop like we all do. It is go after the cyberstalkers TM and MD are allowed to make posts.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 3:43 pm
    I get whatchu saying. No one cares abt any of this tbh lmfao. Dolly

    If “ppl” don’t care about research and facts being post, how do they find it annoying? So much they make over 7 accounts impersonating them. They could just ignore them if they don’t “care”. This impersonation bit is to push them off the page. It has not worked and they to stop and leave them alone. The real ones are meant to be here too. What is something Tang and the rest need to understand. They have been antagonizing them. And many never understood them or gave them a real chance. It is just been forcing them into fake positions to attack them to be right in their opinions. This is all over an opinion and one they don’t take time to understand. You have one side willing to talk and work it out but the other side it is their way or you’re out. It is sad that the cyberstalkers see them trying to work it with them as a reaction or riled up. They can’t be farther from the truth.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 3:57 pm
    I get whatchu saying. No one cares abt any of this tbh lmfao. Dolly

    MD stands in when someone is attacked.
    “You are a rape apologist.”

    The annoying one.
    “I just said my opinion on Jinx! You loser.”

    “You just attack a person. They are not a book. And attacking someone is not an opinion. “

    Topic is created about MD. All the annoying ones jump in.
    MD is trying to explain the situation or warn others.

    Then you would came in attack only MD and telling him to stop. This has happened a few times.
    MD is only standing up to the antagonists that never gave them a chance. Please understand why they view you as they do. They understand you could be mislead.

    The first time you came in. They said Tang was annoying one. Tang was making everything about her opinion when her topic had nothing to do with the majority of Tora’s comments. They were an alt of someone that hated Tora and was out to get him. Tora avoided her since she harassed him on four topics.two he was talking about the story and the other two he was sharing information and defending people from being attacked. One he told to ignore the annoying ones. Tang made a false warning about him. Tora avoided Tang. TM thought that may had been other user that was stalking him and never engaging with Tang. They avoid Tang but a few comments here and there and one was a peace offering.
    They were upset she deleted her account. They want to have conversations with her. They never pushed her off. She was antagonizing them when they defended people, talked about the story, or share information and that is okay for them to do that.

    Riki March 11, 2024 7:51 pm
    MD stands in when someone is attacked. “You are a rape apologist.”The annoying one. “I just said my opinion on Jinx! You loser.”MD “You just attack a person. They are not a book. And attacking someone... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Just shut up, with your long essay, no one cares, ur the only who is the drama maker now...

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 8:08 pm
    Just shut up, with your long essay, no one cares, ur the only who is the drama maker now... Riki

    Just shut up. They were explaining and trying to make peace. They were explaining things to Dolly. Technically, now you are one of the ones creating drama by gaslighting them.

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 8:13 pm
    MD stands in when someone is attacked. “You are a rape apologist.”The annoying one. “I just said my opinion on Jinx! You loser.”MD “You just attack a person. They are not a book. And attacking someone... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    This is explaining the process of what has been going on. It is all factual. If this was creating drama, it would not be like it is. This is an attempt to make peace. This is an attempt to clear up the gaslighting. It was drama-free.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 8:27 pm
    This is explaining the process of what has been going on. It is all factual. If this was creating drama, it would not be like it is. This is an attempt to make peace. This is an attempt to clear up the gaslight... BaileyBot

    Right, explaining what happens in a factual manner is not drama. It's important to communicate honestly objectively in order to address and resolve any issues effectively.
    How Dolly is handling this is different from how she has before. I took a chance to explain to her why they act the way they do. Maybe they can bridge the gap between them. I am not the one causing drama. Look at the page.

    Dolly March 12, 2024 12:09 am
    Just shut up, with your long essay, no one cares, ur the only who is the drama maker now... Riki

    You shut the fuck up. You don't even know what is happening