I'm so glad there's a sequel

nightwave March 10, 2024 4:49 am

Because Uenoyama deserved better. I know this story is about grief, and that losing a loved one when you're a teenager makes grieving even more difficult due to your lack of emotional maturity, but I didn't like the way it was written. This was also a romance manga, and Ue and Mafuyu were supposed to be the main couple and grow together. At points, it felt like they were stuck in one place because the Yuki issue was being dragged for too long, and OF COURSE people would think Uenoyama feels like a rebound and not an actual boyfriend because the pacing of this story made it seem that way. Nine full volumes and Yuki was still there, it was tiring.
There are definitely better ways to write a romance story with grieving elements. Hopefully this time skip is more refreshing.
