i think it’s the fact that she gave her kid up so easily because it wasn’t convenient for her to raise him. but now that she’s comfortable she’s back to get her kid, as if he’s something that she can pass back and forth however she likes, she doesn’t discuss it or take anyone’s opinion into account either. extremely selfish and ignorant imo - if you’re gonna be a parent, then you should understand that your child’s well being ALWAYS comes before your own, because you gave life to that child. seiichiro’s mum simply does as she pleases without taking him into account whatsoever it’s extremely gross i think
I feel like there's way too much hate towards Seiichiro's mother. We clearly saw that both of them were the reason why their relationship failed e.g. they never communicated about how they felt, neither of them really ever saw each other because the husband was busy with work etc. Her wanting Seiichiro back in her life esp when she is probably doing better financially now isn't selfish. She's his mother, she's allowed to feel that way just like how the husband's mother also wanted to take care of Seiichiro. I just feel like you guys are hating for no reason honestly...