Thoughts on Sangwoo

Anoni Grrl January 15, 2017 11:05 pm

Sangwoo's character is interesting to me in part because of how well he demonstrates abusive techniques such as playing "Mr. Wonderful" in public and drawing Bum's (and some readers') sympathy. Sangwoo can play people's emotions even though Sangwoo has all the power and control, and Sangwoo is, as one comment so aptly put it, an asshole. I am not saying this to put down readers who like Sangwoo (or those who hate him). This is just my take on him.

Many aspects of Sangwoo's abuse do hit home for many readers, so though it is fiction, I see why feelings may run high on the topic. One that I recognize from real life is the Mr. Wonderful act. I confess this is the type of character I hate the most--one that everyone else thinks is a good guy, and one who thinks of himself as a good guy (or even the victim)--despite the fact that he is controlling and abusive. He's not just good looking--he's charming. He smiles and says the right things and people believe the BS. Now, with chapter 15 (stop reading if you have avoided spoilers), I think it is likely that if Sangwoo's friends meet Bum in chapter 16, everyone will think how wonderful Sangwoo is for putting up with that burden, Bum, and how Bum drags down that nice guy, Sangwoo. Sangwoo is so great to put up with all that. Say what you want about Sangwoo--he does an excellent job of creating a public narrative in which he is the hero. The irony is that the reader (and Bum) know the truth and yet Sangwoo's version is so powerful. It seems likely Sangwoo himself believes it.

It is perhaps partly the strength of Sangwoo's persuasion that draws Bum in, even as Bum cries and says he hates Sangwoo. But when Sangwoo expresses feelings, they are so strong, and so oddly compelling, that even Bum (or perhaps especially Bum) starts to empathize with him and worry more about Sangwoo's feelings than his own welfare. Of course some reader's think "Well, Sangwoo was abused," and "What if Bum leaves and Sangwoo goes over the edge?" Bum may start to think that. Not because it's right, but because that's part of how abusers suck you in. You want to take care of them, and you worry about them, even if they are killing you.

What would be more natural for some abuse survivors than to want to believe they can take control through "love" (or whatever connection they have) and fix everything? In this fantasy, the survivor becomes powerful through the abuser's affection and by meeting the abuser's needs. In terms of a defense mechanism, it makes perfect sense, especially when you can't leave. And who would not want to believe the survivor was loved in the twisted complicated mess of what happens?

Well, okay, I know who would not want to believe that. :)

But the fact remains, that Sangwoo is very good at all those tricks, and he himself may not even be fully aware he is doing them. That doesn't make it okay. It's just part of how I think this story element works.

    Anonymous January 16, 2017 2:50 am

    wowwww just wowww i really love everything u put here. Amazing way of thinking!!!

    now i wish the police guy will come to fix things up as he is the only one left who did not trust sangwoo.

    basically if the author decide to kill him. here my humanity, goes to ashes

    has been shipping police guy x bum since frst chpt but now idc anymore about love plot

    the plot right now is too delicious

    kurosaki January 16, 2017 4:21 am

    I love your explanation

    Anoni Grrl January 16, 2017 5:08 am
    wowwww just wowww i really love everything u put here. Amazing way of thinking!!!now i wish the police guy will come to fix things up as he is the only one left who did not trust sangwoo.basically if the author... @Anonymous

    Thanks. I feel anxiety about the policeman. I hope for him, and I fear...part of a good story, I guess.

    Anoni Grrl January 16, 2017 5:09 am
    I love your explanation kurosaki

    TY. :) I think when we find out more, people will have all sorts of theories about the characters.

    Itzarit January 16, 2017 5:45 am

    I liked your prediction for chapter 16...!! I just have the feeling that somebody is going to die and some new uncertainty in Bum is gonna break loose. I'm prepared to be wrecked.
    And tbh, I like to think Woo is conscious of how messed up he is... though, rlly, it's unlikely. He obviously has mental issues.

    Anoni Grrl January 16, 2017 6:19 am
    I liked your prediction for chapter 16...!! I just have the feeling that somebody is going to die and some new uncertainty in Bum is gonna break loose. I'm prepared to be wrecked.And tbh, I like to think Woo is... Itzarit

    Yeah, they both have mental issues. In a weird way, I think that may be why Bum is still his kind of crazy fits a pattern Sangwoo can work with, so he's worth keeping around.

    Anonymous January 16, 2017 1:12 pm

    Yupp, Im totally agree with you here, love your explanation/thoughts by the way

    Luna (previously Anonimo) January 16, 2017 1:16 pm

    I like your interpretation! Is very accurate, Sangwoo is a hell of a character, unpredictable and so well written that even the readers don't know exactly what to do or feel. The fact that you know that he's crazy and that he's a criminal and that you hate how the world surrender before him... Is just frustrating though fascinating. He's fascinating, in the most obscure way.
    But... I'll put my two cents and I think (and hope) that the mangaka has a card on her/his sleeve and I want to see that "charming" asshole be tamed by his own victim. Bum has the potential to develop his dark side that we know he has and just be a manipulative, calculated asshole too, but just on Woo. Only on him. Or that is what I want... I don't want a cop on a rescue... No. I want Bum in his most fucked and wrecked way a making Woo sing out loud "killing me softly"... I know he can do it.

    Either way I'll be looking forward for the roller coaster this is going to be.

    Anoni Grrl January 16, 2017 3:57 pm
    Yupp, Im totally agree with you here, love your explanation/thoughts by the way @Anonymous

    Thanks. (●'◡'●)ノ

    Anoni Grrl January 16, 2017 3:58 pm
    I like your interpretation! Is very accurate, Sangwoo is a hell of a character, unpredictable and so well written that even the readers don't know exactly what to do or feel. The fact that you know that he's cr... Luna (previously Anonimo)

    I think it will be a hell of a ride too. I'm not sure how it will go at all--that makes it fun.