It seems like it has been removed everywhere, how interesting. But if no one will provide a link here, create an account on reddit and attempt to ask this person:
u/Glittering-Doubt-581 on reddit (
for the link, seems like she's giving it to people, although it seems it would take some time for her to respond. Make sure to contact her first or those who have received a link from her. They say desperate times call for desperate measures, unless you've already done so. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Oh did my reply not go through the first time? Okay let me rewrite it.
Now, now do it like me, breathe-in breathe-out breathe-in breathe-out. Good, i felt your passion and determination through my screen and that is why i tried to dig deeper for your sake, unfortunately i only found chapters upto 23 :(
Website 1-14:
Drive 15-23, you have to download them:
Where can I read it? Its been removed here. The art style is immaculate. The seme is fucking attractive. Like very very attractive. Easily one of the top 3 most attractive semes in my book.