Isn't Comic Newtype mixed genre/demographic? Was it published somewhere else before? Also spoilers! (Sorry op). Oh wait! Just realised, you're talking about the volumes?
Yeah, it wasn't published in their magazine but Kadokawa Shoten did publish the volumes. (They don't just publish shonen).
That's one way of reading that scene. It's not exactly cpr, more 'kiss of life'. He drinks blood through his lips and, as we know, there are many other ways to drink blood. So, I'd say it counts!
Plus, there are lots of other scenes that solidify them as being more than 'bromance'. Even just the first chapter is pretty explicitly gay lol.
All that said, it's not 'romance' genre wise. More action/dark fantasy. As for what demographic it's sold as, the series is considered Shojo by some official sites and Shonen by others. People seem to commonly describe it as having bl elements/a bl storyline. Hope that helps. Nice to meet someone else who has read the series though! (●'◡'●)ノ

ohhh. I think we're talking about the same scene but I may have misinterpreted it. I'm not the best at sfx's but I could have sworn Mikage started drinking part way through/kissed him back.
I also thought Mikage was still awake for the whole scene, just out of it/on a murderous rampage (hunger), because he tries to slash at Kanna's face right before he kisses him.
I interpreted the end of that scene as Kanna commenting that Mikage was back with him metaphorically not that he had literally woken up.
What you're saying makes sense though. I feel a little silly, I will have to go back and re-read the light novel. If it is cpr, as you say, then Kanna is terrible at it. You really need to do chest compressions in addition to mouth to mouth.
There's also a couple of other scenes (light novels/short audio drama) where Mikage mentions/references wanting to bite Kanna's lips so I thought it was linked to that.
Thank you! It's a while away but you may have saved me from making a very serious translation error. Lot's of careful double checking to do... I'll do my best.

I see, if the novel described so then maybe it is so (⊙…⊙ ) since I didnt read the novel but speed read the raw, maybe I interpreted it wrong because it looks just like the killer gave the cpr to the vampire since he was also spitting something (like when you suck a poison from a bitten part and spit it out so you dont get poisoned) to wake him up
and well thats just the part the whole series, so like just bromance and no real romance

Oh, that's not poison. Mikage was drinking someone else's blood and Kanna get's possessive. He says something about someone else's blood but his being on Mikage's lips/in his mouth. (So sucks it up/spits it out).
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what's happening in that scene. It's not cpr though, some sort of magic vampire equivalent maybe. The stage show semi adapts the scene but replaced the 'kiss' with a neck bite so I think my reading might be kind of right. Still need to check the light novel though.
As for there being 'no romance'...
Mikage is explicitly in love with Kanna from the beginning?? It's Kanna's feelings that aren't clear. Sure, you could debate about what kind of a relationship they have, they're partners but is it platonic? Romantic? They clearly love each other (if they don't say it every volume then I think they might both die haha) but what kind of love?
Kanna doesn't even know what love is so it's a little complicated but the point is that Mikage is teaching him and that involves multiple forms of love. There is a romantic aspect, even if the manga sadly didn't adapt all of it.
Here's a (canon) short story about them going on a date together: https://note.com/aotsuki_kairi/n/naa00f686fcac
I think it explains their relationship during the story well. (Ie Mikage's feelings towards Kanna and their love of teasing each other).
It's a shame the manga doesn't adapt more of the novels because it goes on beyond this. There's a proposal/promise and a lot of veryyy homoerotic scenes/dates. Very gay franchise. I'm surprised some people think it's not. But I understand that the manga doesn't cover everything.
Also, the vampirism is (quite clearly) a sex metaphor. (And Kanna is very into having his, uh, blood sucked).
Is the 'genre' romance? Probably not. It's definitely not the main focus. But there is a clear romantic aspect to their relationship.

Im not sure, since the vampire only says that he will love him since the beginning, tho that doesnt feel like romantic since he meant it in a way that they are both sinners, and even the ending theres no romance since they only talk that they are gonna share curse
And pretty sure on the no romance since its not marketed as romance for starter and there are many similar homoerotic bromance manga like this where its a BL but not BL

Can confirm, it's not cpr! I re-read the light novel, I was right. Kanna kisses him and Mikage drinks blood through his lips. Here's the passage, if it interests you:
"御影に駆け寄って手を伸ばし、馬野から引 き剥がすと同時に唇を奪った。 「んんっ…………!」 御影は驚いたように目を見開く。普段からは考えられないほどの力で押し戻されそうに なり、彼の我武者羅に揮われる爪が頬を切り裂いたが、神無は御影の身体を必死に抱い た。 御影の唇からは、知らない奴の血の味がした。 神無はそれに苛立ち、無我夢中で御影の唇から拭い去り、口の中から掻き出そうとす 飢えているのなら、全部自分から奪えばいい。 神無はそう思いながら、 御影の口の中にあった異物を吐き出し、自らの血を彼に捧げ た。 おもちゃ 最初は玩具を取り上げられた子供のように抵抗していた御影であったが、神無の血の味 を感じると、やがて、喉を鳴らして飲み下し始めた。 次第に、神無の肩や腕を掴んでいた御影の力が、やんわりとしたものになる。 神無が顔を離すと、そこには、ぼんやりとした表情の御影がいた。"
It's even gayer in the manga. Five pages? Mikage kissing him back? The sound effects? Kanna's little " それでいい" (It's okay) "全部俺から奪えばいい" (You can take everything from me).
As for the romance aspect, I will always read them as romantic. (Kanna uses the word '惚れる' at one point and there's no other way to interpret that). But I understand that things are labelled how they are sold. It's bl to me (▰˘◡˘▰)
I just came across this and it looks so interesting!!! A BL that’s not BL?!!! Interesting and sus.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ