What was the point of this??????? WHY THE FUCK WAS CH 5 SO GRAPHIC????????????????? IT DID...

toastyBooksAndTea March 8, 2024 5:39 pm

What was the point of this??????? WHY THE FUCK WAS CH 5 SO GRAPHIC????????????????? IT DIDNT NEED TO BE????? WHAT WAS THE POINT??????????? YES DEHUMANIZE CHILD RAPISTS AND MURDERERS! YES DEHUMANIZE PEDOS! I DONT CARE I DONT WANT TO SYMPATHIZE WITH A CHILD MURDERER AND RAPIST! What about that kid??? Where was the grace shown for the kid? Where was the pain, the fear, of his, where was the grief of his family??? What happened to him as a kid was horrific but what he did was also horrific and no it doesn’t mean that all he needs is unconditional understanding and love and he will become better, ALSO ONLY 15 YEARS FOR WHAT WAS DONE TO THAT POOR CHILD???? IT SHOULD BE LIFE NO IT SHOULD BE EXECUTION, TO THE PARENTS AND THIS FAKE PRIEST, SORRY AUTHOR YOUR WRITING EXERCISE TO MAKE ME FEEL SYMPATHY FOR THE MOST SKDIFIDJSJW PERSON DIDNT WORK

    Jay March 12, 2024 7:49 pm

    honestly I feel like it wasnt graphic enough, it needs to be more emphasised how terrible everything that happened was

    toastyBooksAndTea March 12, 2024 9:48 pm
    honestly I feel like it wasnt graphic enough, it needs to be more emphasised how terrible everything that happened was Jay

    This is also somehow true?????? It wasn’t insidious enough at all, where was the dread and the vomit inducing fear

    toastyBooksAndTea March 12, 2024 9:53 pm
    This is also somehow true?????? It wasn’t insidious enough at all, where was the dread and the vomit inducing fear toastyBooksAndTea

    Actually no, I stand by that it didn’t need to be, just the implication is horrifying enough, I almost barred when I read it, I had to pause and take a minute, it was horrifying in and of itself

    toastyBooksAndTea March 12, 2024 9:54 pm
    Actually no, I stand by that it didn’t need to be, just the implication is horrifying enough, I almost barred when I read it, I had to pause and take a minute, it was horrifying in and of itself toastyBooksAndTea


    Manami April 8, 2024 5:38 pm

    Why was it so graphic? Because the author wanted it to be. Sometimes graphic scenes are used for shock value or to drive home the severity and extent of an incident rather than when it is only implied and it is left for interpretation.

    Acorn April 15, 2024 4:33 pm

    Honestly, I think the way it is is fine. It's disgusting and creepy and horrifying and really hits those points home.

    Acorn April 15, 2024 4:34 pm

    Tho I do think there should have been more emphasis on the crime he committed. Or that the crime had been a bit less severe. It feels like they kinda brush over it despite how horrible it was for the kid and the kid's family.