just a lil rant about the mls

lilly March 8, 2024 3:54 pm

It's incredibly frustrating to see both male leads displaying toxic behavior in the story. On one hand, we have a character who doesn't hesitate to cross boundaries, showing possessiveness and forcefulness typical of the stereotypical toxic duke archetype. On the other hand, the crown prince, while not as overtly aggressive, still demonstrates possessive and pushy behavior, though in a different manner. Don't worry I haven't forgotten about the white-haired guy, who is supposed to also a male lead. But the third potential love interest has been minimally portrayed, making it easy to forget about him and leading me to believe he's the least likely to end up with the protagonist. It's disappointing because, despite being my current favorite based on the little we've seen, it's entirely possible that he could exhibit the same toxic traits as the other two. Ultimately, only time will tell. Regardless, thanks for reading <3

    saiki wannabe March 9, 2024 5:41 pm

    thanks for voicing out what the voices were telling me while reading

    lilly March 9, 2024 7:39 pm
    thanks for voicing out what the voices were telling me while reading saiki wannabe

    love to represent the voices in ur head <3