I was wondering if anyone’s gonna pick up translating this again cause I saw that the fi...

Ann March 8, 2024 6:41 am

I was wondering if anyone’s gonna pick up translating this again cause I saw that the final part had been published but I don’t think it’s been translated yet but hopefully someone picks this back up and translate

    Tastytai June 9, 2024 3:53 pm

    Do you know if the author said anything? Or when they will drop episode 8? It’s been so long they can’t abandon it

    Ann June 10, 2024 3:02 am
    Do you know if the author said anything? Or when they will drop episode 8? It’s been so long they can’t abandon it Tastytai

    The final volume has been released and illustrated but it’s only in japanese I think @zaougumi on twitter is the illustrater for this so if you want the raws then they have it on their page