Ahhh finally a life liberated

hkuranie March 8, 2024 2:44 am

But honestly just 1 chapter showing the event after??? Couldn't there be another one showing her life after a few years or smth cough coughmaybebeingchummywithblondiecough
Its not like we can read the novels ending to see how she fares since she ded there.
If yall change a plot point esp the ending you have to show atleast a few chapters of the results

Cant be too mad since they picked the best ending (aside if she ended up w mufi)
But im still wishing for an epilogue

Thank yall for translating and uploading this here, in the beginning i thought this was gonna be dropped and could find raws more than a couple of chapters.
Looking forward to more works by the author and also the studio/artist

    A0I_X April 23, 2024 3:05 pm

    Wait a min she ded??! In the novel ☠??????? Bruh crazy…….