Looking for a Manga!!!

Rainy seasons March 7, 2024 7:59 am

okay so it is a bl/yaoi manga, the mc worked for like a government type thing if I remember correctly and his secret was that he goes to a bdsm place, the ml was a worker at the bdsm place and his dream was to become a dancer or smnt like that, ballet dancing i’m pretty sure. They both had black hair, the mc is the uke and is big/buff and the ml is the seme and is tall and thin. The plot was like the mc trying not to get found as gay cuz he was like a politician I think, but he was very well known, and that he is into bdsm.

I know this is kinda vague but it’s all I could remember and I can’t remember the name of it, any help at all would be appreciated!!! thank you!!!

    Thingy March 7, 2024 8:20 am

    Sounds like Devil and Politician in the Playroom

    Rainy seasons March 7, 2024 8:53 am

    omg!!! thank you so much, I have been looking forever!!! <3