By your standards

You're trying to put me at a intellectual checkmate but it doesn't work that way. I said "he is not definitely uke material" which basically means I'm saying he could be an uke, or he could be a seme or a seke or whatever the hell else. Unlike someone who stereotypes Yuri as an uke, I am saying you shouldn't stereotype him as anything because stereotypes are dangerous and can be inaccurate. How do you not get this? It's a fundamental factor of discrimination. If you prefer yuri to be an uke, you're free to prefer it as it is your opinion for how you like it, but saying for a fact that yuri SHOULD and should ALWAYS be the uke is making assumptions based off of stereotypes (like "oh, Yuri is shorter so it makes more sense that he's the bottom. Yuri is more shy so it makes more sense that he's the bottom. etc.)

You did read when I said that my preference is to have them switch, right? And, as a rule of thumb, a lot of ukes fall into a stereotype. Obviously you can't categorize people based on that, but given the genre, that's just how a lot of it is. I really like reversible couples because I feel like they make more sense and stand equally with one another.
I'm not trying to argue though, I just don't like being misunderstood.

I'm sorry my last comment was so rude... I hadn't explained my reasoning, and I try very hard to look at people, real or fictional, without classifying or stereotyping them, so you kinda struck a nerve. I've had too many people try to put words into my mouth without listening to me, and I was a bit frustrated. ( ̄∇ ̄")
I definitely agree with you about stereotypes though, they're not accurate and are used far too frequently. I will say, though, that if you knew me personally, you'd know I don't discriminate. (I try very hard not to, since people always do that to me, hence the struck nerve...)
Also, I meant that it makes more sense for Yuri to be on the bottom (at least, at first) because he has no experience, not much confidence, and I feel like in the show, he does explore a little femininity (though he is definitely not girly). Also, Victor, if he were on top, would maybe be able to convey his love to Yuri that way. Something like 'I'll show you how much I love you by making love to you.' Switching is still best though since they both have their more masculine and feminine moments... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Meh. Anyway, I did think it through, and I have more reasoning, but it was nothing as simple as 'he is shorter' or 'he is shy'. I've seen some pretty hot semes that fall into both of those categories and I wouldn't want them any other way.
And again, I hope I didn't offend you before.