i get that but isn’t that like the point of her character? she didn’t listen to what anyone said, fell head over heels for a man who constantly used her, and got her people killed for it. she naive but i feel like her bringing revenge on the first kings blood line instead of bringing him back herself kind of shows a different side to her, her original side, not the cunning, plotting anita we know but the naive girl she actually was/is. the pain she went through shouldn't just end with him, yknow? idk like yeah it’s stupid and naive to bring revenge YEARS AFTER the first kind died but she is sensible so i feel like it’s not outside her character
anita needs some SELF INTROSPECTION
she was warned MULTIPLE TIMES but anita just went: "im doing this BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!" like girl?! there's a limit to how naive you can get! you were literally being put in the sidelines and YOU DEFINITELY FELT THAT SOMETHING WAS WRONG but you still went: "SELF DENIAL MODE". and then went: "IM GONNA EXTERMINATE HIS DESCENDANTS WHO DEFINITELY DESERVES IT AND ALL OF THEIR PEOPLE WHO ARE DEFINITELY NOT INNOCENTS BECAUSE THEY DEFINITELY HAD A PERSONAL HAND IN EXTERMINATING MY KIND" ha. anita needs some SELF INTROSPECTION. what she needs to do is to bring back that idiot first king as an undead & torture him (physically & mentally) for eternity since he can no longer die. she's all powerful, she most probably can do THAT.