Absolutely. They have been online for so long that they have to impersonate and cyberstalk real users with multiple accounts. They had been online for so long that they tried to frame the real user. That impersonator wrote an account for a picture. Now, they are claiming he is a pedo because that user was a "minor". Who has been between the ages of 16, 14 and 13. That picture has become "asking for an inappropriate picture" going against the snapshot. That fake interaction is now being called "grooming."
The real one? He blocked the "minor" on the second comment without DMing her. He showed he had no interest in the "minor".
The one impersonating the real one, the one you are responding too, is a pedo and rape apologist. They are the ones asking a "minor" for a picture and framing it on someone else. They are denying a rape victim is a rape victim. They are targeting people to harass them and then deny the real ones are victims. They deflected and say the real ones are to blame. ::vomit::

If you read the interaction. The fake victim said she is a "minor" after the fact in the threads and not even in the snapshot.
She came at him about his username. He blocked her on her second comment. Then the impersonator DMed her to set up the real one. Calling the real one a pedo on that is stupid.

Now a second impersonator comes in. They show how dumb they are. They think I am the one they are obsessed with. They are weak.
That one is a pedo. They can't be original. They stole that idea from another user who came here with her own beef and they tried to make her, their victim. She was calling them a pedo from a group she was watching. They are pedos for how they deflected it onto their victims.

@ Fake :vomit: impersonator of TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans
kindly shut the fuck up you are annoying everyone! pretending an adult is a minor won't make ut less of a pedo. We saw ur comments asking for pictures. It was the impersonator. You have been exposed. You are weak to continue the same tactics and lies after being exposed.
You are the pedo who is deflecting it on your victims. :vomit:
You set one up but it was the impersonator that did it. Stop taking drugs and get off the internet.

@ Fake :vomit: impersonator of TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans and @Fake :vomit: impersonator of Protector for JinxFans&JKstans
Candy had her own beef. She called you pedos. You are deflecting that to your victims because you are the real pedos.
You are trying to frame your victims with something you did.
You are impersonating them to damage their reps as you harass them and everyone.
kindly shut the fuck up you are annoying everyone! Deflecting won't make u less of a pedo.
You both have admitted to being pedo, now say that with your real accounts.
You are fragile and weak hiding behind your victims. You are in denial. You are not the victims. You are the cyberstalkers.
Kindly shut the fuck up and stop impersonating your victims.
Stop setting people up.
or you could keep showing how weak and fragile you.

"Man I am so glad I have no life and spend literally ALL DAY HARASSING OTHERS.
I have to pretend MD is here. I am desperate for his attention. I deluded myself thinking the replies are anger filled rants. I know they are not. I hate to admit I am not trolling and it never worked on him. That is why I have pushed this hard because I can't "troll" him or control him. I have to think it is anger filled rants when I am self-projecting I am the one filled with anger. I have to cover up my weak fragile ego. I hate those comments, i know I will say thank you for them and call them gifts. I have to do anything to get the rise I am failing to get."
I understand why they said they can see right through the cyberstalkers.

The cyberstalkers are working together against a few people. They have been impersonating a few people since the beginning of February. The real BaileyBot is one of them. They tried to frame the real one. The cyberstalker impersonating Bailey emailed her. Then she is all like pedo pedo on the real one.
She is weak. They are weak.

The cyberstalker impersonator BaileyBot
This one https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/home/
BaileyBot is so senile she can’t understand an autocorrection.
How is this about Aloha? Or who is the behind the other BaileyBot?
That was in the past before that account existed. I am impersonating Protector not BaileyBot.
BaileyBot is weak and braindead. I wonder if “she” is Alex or borrowed words from Alex.
haha loser