as a sidenote

Silver_Moon789 March 5, 2024 5:21 am

to anyone who might have considered dropping this, I strongly urge you to reconsider and at least get further into it more, at least to the 60s ish. I also stopped initially in the beginning parts but ended up picking it back up eventually and regret absolutely nothing, so glad I changed my mind and stuck with this. The MC is all kinds of fucked up but that's the fun part and seeing her slowly change while still remaining very her is great.

Plus her and the ML are just...*chef's kiss* I cannot tell you how much I love these two crazy fuckers. The 60s is where shit really speed runs like crazy and oh man are y'all in for a treat. I'm so not normal over these two like you guys do not understand. Seriously, everything from like the mid50s onwards I've just been screaming my ass off omg these guys y'all...( ° ʖ °) huehuehuehuehuehue ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Carola March 26, 2024 1:15 pm

    I disagree, what smart FL fucking goes to the fuckers house when she knows it's an obvious trap?!? And didn't even bring the ML

    Silver_Moon789 March 29, 2024 3:12 am
    I disagree, what smart FL fucking goes to the fuckers house when she knows it's an obvious trap?!? And didn't even bring the ML Carola

    so I even used ctrl+f to figure out where I said she was smart. I never did?? Just because I like the characters and how they and their dynamic changes doesn't mean I think she's smart. It's shown very clearly in the webtoon that she was manipulated almost all of her first life, so she's incredibly immature and can be pretty short sighted at times and her knowledge of the future can be quite limited/skewed. She has a hot temper and is incredibly petty and rude that causes her to screw up a lot or act without thought. She's not an idiot, she definitely has good ideas and is good at connecting data and stuff, but for the most part the brains is definitely still with the ML.

    And so? I like her and all her flaws. I think the story is interesting and her growing as a person and learning more about the people around her when she isn't blinded by that shitstain is wonderful. She still has a long way to go, and I'm pretty excited to watch her get there.

    Carola March 29, 2024 3:09 pm
    so I even used ctrl+f to figure out where I said she was smart. I never did?? Just because I like the characters and how they and their dynamic changes doesn't mean I think she's smart. It's shown very clearly ... Silver_Moon789
