Damn i forgot yejun and doyoon are mated, in any scenarios, the moment doyoon start getting interest to yejun again is just over for yihyun wacem
Lol. How did you forget?!? It was part of the attached marriage deal.... Get with me or have the bond removed?!? It's such a big post of their relationship. It's the son and the bond. That's embroiled them in this mess.... Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Lol. How did you forget?!? It was part of the attached marriage deal.... Get with me or have the bond removed?!? It's such a big post of their relationship. It's the son and the bond. That's embroiled them in t... AWinterWonderLand
Bro, i like you more for yejun but i think you're too late