Above is comments from the same account. https://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/34216181/
They are a cyber stalker. They are not the real TMSM for Jinxlover&JKstans

The above 3 comments are trolls. Although I am in the opinion that Jaekyung is not abusive towards Dan, they are trying to defame me for what I believe is the truth. I don't care that no one else is with me, research back me. Jaekyung never raped Dan. You are one google search away from finding the truth.

https://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/34216186/ This Protector is a cyberstalker
https://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/34216187/ The comment after that looks like my account is another cyberstalker.

Each and one of you who laughed at me and were glad I am being impersonated have not been forgotten. I have a list of all of your gaslighting hater usernames. I will stand firm in what I believe in. I didn't say women fantasizing about rape is normal and healthy; research did. I only shared it here. I will not change my opinion no matter how many people defy and ridicule me. I am not the hater, you are.
But like i also feel he'll raise his hands on our doctor, poor guy