The times Jaekyung threw Dan on chairs, lockers, walls, bed aggressively, pulled his hair, leg on the bed and pool, and tore his ass are not valid points. Jaekyung will be Dan'q future loving boyfriend so it's excused. And I don't want to hear all the supposed times Jaekyung sexually abused and raped Dan, because they are false. Some research disprove them.

I have an album up. This guy sent me inappropriate messages after I called his name cringe.
The words that the impersonator uses are all things that the real user has said. I have some of them screencapped in my album too.
Jaekyung has never hit Dan but I see a few thinking he has beat up Dan before. People have over-exaggerated Jaekyung’s personality and behaviors but have they believed that over-exaggerating now or simply forgot the story?
From chapter 48, I think he would not simply kick Dan out and cut him off abruptly. From chapter 49, if he does blame Dan, he could but hopefully he listens.
Jaekyung is crazy for Dan. It would take a long for him to kick him out and cut him off abruptly. He did still seem to trust Dan in Chapter 49.