
edmer March 4, 2024 1:24 pm

I know she's basically innocent and she's not as clueless as seen, but part of me think that this kind soul really not suited in royalty type + politics drama.
She knows, but she pretends not to know and do nothing(or basically can't do anything), which is ok because she's kind but part of me think she really not suited to be royalty because she really lacks ambition and don't have enough drive to move forward until they met dead end, which usually being used by many people, even i think her husband basically using her as sacrifice and he basically powerless to even protect her despite all that PTSD he really can't even do shit to save her...

    Multifandom_cherryblossoms March 5, 2024 3:38 pm

    She's really not suited for the bloodline she was born in which is mostly why she must've acted clueless to keep herself from being seen as a threat to those around her unlike her sister. Because she knew she had no power to change things after soo long so she left it that way even knowing there was a possibility her husband may be using her.

    edmer March 5, 2024 5:38 pm
    She's really not suited for the bloodline she was born in which is mostly why she must've acted clueless to keep herself from being seen as a threat to those around her unlike her sister. Because she knew she h... Multifandom_cherryblossoms

    i think it's kinda frustating to see this type of person ? because you can saw it's coming and you still feels bad about it, she's there to be sacrificed, she don't have motivation/ambition to even protect herself nor support her husband to ascend the throne. Like Our ML basically almost the same, but he still have desire to protect his people thus why he changed overtime while Garnet basically feels so powerless....

    Multifandom_cherryblossoms March 5, 2024 7:21 pm
    i think it's kinda frustating to see this type of person ? because you can saw it's coming and you still feels bad about it, she's there to be sacrificed, she don't have motivation/ambition to even protect hers... edmer

    Right the ML is beginning to understand that only action against greed and corruption may be the only way to save this doomed empire as clear as day we can see that he doesn't always agree with the FL's actions because they may go against his morals but he also comes to understand that it's a necessary measure while Garnet sees actions against her own sister and even done by those around her but chooses to hide in the shadows because she's safer acting like a clueless idiot. This can become annoying but I'm hoping there's more to her character than just playing the role of a scapegoat.