no shot

drops March 4, 2024 7:57 am

THIS SHIT IS PISSING ME OFF LIKE can manhwa artists not make the most stupidly circumstantial shit for five minutes... what do you mean dan checked the spray SECONDS before it got switched out plus like come up with a more creative way of sabotaging maybe my standards are too high but their art is always great it's just missing details that would make it so much better of a story. i don't even like the characters in this story anyway so idk why i'm complaining

    androwomeda March 4, 2024 8:06 am

    it makes sense though? it was just a really unfortunate thing that happened.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 8:15 am

    Fiction isn't always meant to be realistic though. Are Kdramas realistic

    androwomeda March 4, 2024 8:30 am
    Fiction isn't always meant to be realistic though. Are Kdramas realistic Manhwaspicy

    exactly, it's fiction, idk why they're so upset? plus stuff like this has been happening in jinx for the longest

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:31 am

    Hi! Letting you know that manhwaspicy is a friend of a pedo and downplays the rape of real survivors by calling minors in this comment section rapists! His opinions are trash.

    tongtong March 4, 2024 9:03 am
    Hi! Letting you know that manhwaspicy is a friend of a pedo and downplays the rape of real survivors by calling minors in this comment section rapists! His opinions are trash. BaileyBot

    that's seriously allegation do you have evidence?

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:15 am
    that's seriously allegation do you have evidence? tongtong

    You can look through my comments. I have screenshots but I don't know how to post them here.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:27 am
    that's seriously allegation do you have evidence? tongtong

    His friend didn't like that I called his name cringe so he sent me inappropriate messages where he asked for photos of me. He's private messaged other people as well. manhwaspicy said this to me and another user:

    "You are no different from a fk rapist. It's people like you who lie that they've been raped, making innocent people end up in jail while they waste their lives away. That is another form of Evil, and I pray the victims get justified from you LIARS. I've heard of so many cases. Continue being a fk bitch anyway, y'all are entertaining and I'm here for all that shit!"

    Here's the thread where it happened:

    epime43 March 4, 2024 10:45 am

    how is it circumstantial? it has already been previously explained that there might end up being a mole amongst the gym members cus of jaekyung's terrible behaviour towards them. not only that, but the other guys tried approaching dan to get to jaekyung but failed. it is only natural they could have planted sb else there or proceeded to talk to another gym member. which are the missing details?

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 11:33 am

    @BaileyBot Is there someone paying you to lie? Why tf you lying? You said you're a minor, then wth are you even doing on this site?

    Why are you so obsessed with lying against people? Why are you so obsessed with me? You are a weirdo who lies and plays the victim card. You are pathetic. You need serious help bc bruhh you're not normal at this point.

    It's the fact you claim to have screenshots and then you can even share them. You're just using that as an excuse for others to believe you. You are a pathetic liar and you will rot in hell.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 12:03 pm

    You said they sent you emails? What can't you copy and paste the text on here? Paste it, let all see how much more you can continue with this lie.

    I will give you one advice as a minor, be kind to yourself and prioritise your own mental wellbeing.

    Take care.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 12:27 pm

    Girl look at him pretending to be worried about me after calling me a bitch and telling me to piss on myself. What? Are you scared of other people seeing what a disgusting nasty pos you are?

    If I copy and paste all the messages, what will you say? That it's not proof enough because there are no pictures? GFYS pedo defender. Your friend is lucky I can't fucking upload the screencaps here

    tongtong March 4, 2024 3:33 pm
    how is it circumstantial? it has already been previously explained that there might end up being a mole amongst the gym members cus of jaekyung's terrible behaviour towards them. not only that, but the other gu... epime43

    They probably forgot about it because they are too focus on jaekyung being an asshole (to be fair I understand them lol)

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 5:35 pm


    Bitch who tf said I was worried about your flat ass. You are basically embarrassing yourself you minor!

    It was a piece of advice and you should fk take it bc I can be very abrupt and blunt. A minor shouldn't be arguing with an adult. I don't wanna add you to my list of people to be humbled. If this BS continues, it won't end well for me and you BaileyBot. Mark my words.

    Copy and Paste you idiot! That's the only way to embarrass yourself more on here LMAOO Paste it and let the whole mangago see it. Pathetic!

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 6:27 pm

    Hahahaha! What is that lame ass threat? What are you going to do? You think you're Batman? Going to beat up the big bad minor and save your pedo friend? Go ahead, Bruce. This is the only place you can act big anyway. We all know you're a timid little pussy in real life.

    drops March 4, 2024 8:50 pm
    They probably forgot about it because they are too focus on jaekyung being an asshole (to be fair I understand them lol) tongtong

    girl im too lazy to respond to all of these people (circumstancial may not have been the right word ill admit it though) but WHY ARE THERE COMPLETELY UNRELATED ARGUMENTS AND DRAMA HERE LMFAOOOOOO

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:56 pm
    girl im too lazy to respond to all of these people (circumstancial may not have been the right word ill admit it though) but WHY ARE THERE COMPLETELY UNRELATED ARGUMENTS AND DRAMA HERE LMFAOOOOOO drops

    Album upload with info. These people are psychotic middle aged weirdos.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:22 pm


    Girl eat some fk grass and yes I am Batman. I'm saying this as a threat bc you're a LIAR who needs to be humbled. Don’t you have common sense to understand this?

    You are a LIAR. Repeat after me L-I-A-R. You fib like it’s a job at this point. And Gosh, I have never in my life seen such disgusting accusations from a minor. Don't worry, I know you're bored. if you need someone to argue with, I'm always here idiot♡.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:36 pm

    Your album really shows proof that your accusations are false

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:36 pm

    Oh no boo hoo. My fee fees are so hurt. I will never come back to mangago again

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:40 pm

    You fell right into my trap. Thanks for exposing yourself