
I wish I would’ve seen your comment before i started reading this! I didnt like hold me tight either and this gave me a headache by chap 25. I literally like no one in this story plus the plot is so bad, not the concept but the writing is just so, unfortunate lol. Just finished “my bias appeared” and it was good so i agree with you on that recommendation!
Hold Me Tight was junk and so is this. It has every same problem that HMT did. Unlikeable characters, a noble attempt at a non-romance A-plot, that is somehow executed nonsensically, lack of grounding in the reality of the setting, no chemistry between the leads, with a dubcon at best (or rape at worst) initiation to the romance subplot. Save yourself the headache, skip this, skip HMT, and skip Till Our Lips Touch, which all have Nabit as the writing credit. Instead, read "My Bias Appeared", which only has Nabit credited for art, and is written by someone else.