
ackermanjuice March 3, 2024 2:12 pm

some progress being made cute cute but i still cant put into words how much i hate the "i made you gay/i became gay because of you" trope. homosexuality doesnt work like that babes. im tired of it. anyways keith is a pookie

    Roxa March 3, 2024 2:48 pm


    graylittlebean March 4, 2024 12:14 am

    It also has a touch of homophobia too :/ like a negative connotation on "made you gay"

    Nobody March 4, 2024 7:24 am

    It is an annoying trope, but in this case since both characters are not really freaking out over that fact, i am reading it as more like ‘I’d never been interested in a guy, but I’m totally ok with it’, rather than “I’m only interested in you”.
    But yes, there are so many sexual orientations authors can explore that could explain why their seemingly ‘straight’ character suddenly fell for someone of their same sex, yet they don’t even bother with the most well- known one, which is bisexuality.