cirrus redemption arc when?

girl 2 March 3, 2024 1:14 pm

i really want to see cirrus' redemption arc, i want him to grow and heal in the way that we can see skylar starting to. this whole series so far has been showing skylar's development as he is shaped and influenced both negatively and currently positively (yay) by those around him, but unfortunately the same can't be said for cirrus himself. we've seen skylar come out of his shell and slowly start to heal from his trauma by accepting his sexual orientation, but so far from cirrus its kinda just crickets.... i really like their relationship and how they can find so much peace and actual love within each other, but cirrus is just shown to be the one constantly making bad decisions. the only thing that we see from him is why he acts the way he does... but he doesn't change. he doesn't improve. and while we as an audience can empathise with him, i really do hope we can see his character develop and actually change for the better, for both his own sake and skylar's. i don't know how long this whole series is going to be or how far along it is right now but when that redemption arc happens and cirrus stocks go up just know i will be cashing out with a private island in the maldives ready for me

    kinofa March 3, 2024 5:25 pm

    Redemption from what exactly bc he hasn’t really done anything but be mentally unstable

    Nobodyhome March 3, 2024 5:59 pm

    Redemption for what? Have u actually read the story? Cirrus already apologised to Skylar and S3 will be the last one lol

    Also no, Skylar hasn’t really fully developed either: Skylar STILL has issues with his sexual orientation and that is the point to be made in S3 and which he will overcome thanks to Cirrus!

    While Cirrus thanks to Skylar will overcome his insecurities.

    Wtf have u been reading so far?

    girl 2 March 8, 2024 12:49 pm
    Redemption for what? Have u actually read the story? Cirrus already apologised to Skylar and S3 will be the last one lolAlso no, Skylar hasn’t really fully developed either: Skylar STILL has issues with his ... Nobodyhome

    i wont spoil bc i don't think u read the raws but cirrus has a long way to go lmao

    Nobodyhome March 9, 2024 9:07 pm
    i wont spoil bc i don't think u read the raws but cirrus has a long way to go lmao girl 2

    Girl, I read the raws lol

    kinofa March 10, 2024 8:51 am
    i wont spoil bc i don't think u read the raws but cirrus has a long way to go lmao girl 2

    Everyone’s seen the raws you’re acting like he collapsed the twin towers

    Nobodyhome March 10, 2024 7:47 pm
    Everyone’s seen the raws you’re acting like he collapsed the twin towers kinofa

    The OP is full of shit better not further engage.