what tf is this ending

ramune200 March 3, 2024 4:45 am

i’m really not one to comment on here but i leave this to marinate and this is the ending i come back to ?? like i knew the author had been writing this manga for like almost 10 years and i could almost come to appreciate the absolute underdog he made sawamura purely for the fact that it had so much potential for character development with sawamura really working his way up to the top without bias. truly the most satisfying moments were when we finally saw sawamura’s hard work finally pay off, esp against ichidai and hakuryuu and when he received the ace number. it felt like he had finally achieved something from all his past failures.

the author since the start has been working up to koshien, especially with other rivals characters such as narumiya. if this is some sort of symbolism that the outcome of koshien doesn’t matter, i could not give one fuck. fair enough if bro was fed up and didn’t want to write either the final arc of koshien, the team esp miyuki finally fully acknowledging sawamura, the aftermath and even sawamura-okumura battery. but there is literally no sort of resolution whatsoever. i can’t imagine spending this long on my own manga to basically not even bother writing the ending. even if they lost like for example in haikyuu and then the final time skip w hinata v kageyama, it would’ve been better then whatever the fuck this is.

like bro spent half the entire manga sucking furuya’s dick (i still like furuya and his rivalry w sawamura) but we only get a fraction of sawamura not only as ace but how great and reliable he is as ace. i really wanted to see that at koshien and i really hope the author considers an act 3 or literally anything T_T

    MagicalReader March 12, 2024 8:19 pm

    Probably not since he wasn't excalty happy with it. He wanted to finish early but was denied because it got popular and was pushed by his wife and editors to continue. He got depressed at the beginning of Act 2, due to the fans and lack of enjoyment which isn't usually to happen to mangakas.
    Their making Daiya no C spin-off written and drawn by his wife probably to cheer him up and show him the other side of his characters. Since he found them plain and boring, since all they do is baseball which is fine for us but not him. I guess it makes sense if you think about the other work he did.