Not good

Meru21 March 3, 2024 3:48 am

Dan is gonna have a hell of a time the next few chapters. I have a really bad premonition of Jaekyung blaming him regardless because of the photo he was sent, rape (again) and then kicking him out of everything. I hope that that actor comes to get him. Or Potato takes him in and they have a thing.

    Dr.Santallum March 3, 2024 4:03 am

    Yes unfortunately. ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Dodobird March 3, 2024 4:33 am

    Yeah, i also think he's going to fire him and kick him out and so the next chapters are going to be about Jaekyungs past while he 'misses' Dan or whatever he 'feels' while Dan is somewhere suffering because he's deff going to blame himself for what happened....the doctor idea isn't bad and it gives reason for Jaekyung to get even more pissed.

    Dr.Santallum March 3, 2024 4:45 am
    Yeah, i also think he's going to fire him and kick him out and so the next chapters are going to be about Jaekyungs past while he 'misses' Dan or whatever he 'feels' while Dan is somewhere suffering because he'... Dodobird

    Yup, drama everywhere. It has already reached 50 chapters and no sign of affection except that alcohol scenes

    For this whole journey, I wast alcohol to be stacked up in his house in great AMOUNT