story change

Danny March 3, 2024 1:07 am

what did they do to this, it's so different from the original novel.. im genuinely crying
jiran also looks quite ugly with the long hair, im sorry
at least suisui is still cute but still.. i don't like this story shift and I'm saying that as a hater of the original novel story line, i mean this just seems so rushed and nothing was explained, id also like to know how they proceed from here, they skipped so much if the abuse and torture that jiran had to go through, its really like a different story, nothing makes much sense now to me:((

    Gravenshi March 3, 2024 6:04 am

    dude called my boo ugly...

    Heu77 March 5, 2024 8:05 am

    Can you spoil me from novel? Did ML cheat on MC emotionally or physically? Both? I heard that he has a white moonlight partner?

    Heu77 March 5, 2024 12:02 pm

    Nvm I found out after reading. I hate ML so much, I hope he dies

    Sosloth March 6, 2024 8:07 pm
    Nvm I found out after reading. I hate ML so much, I hope he dies Heu77

    Nah just dying isn’t enough, the bug needs to be tortured emotionally, mentally, and physically before being forced to die either a slow and very painful death or be brought down completely, make him not want to live, and yet forced to live till old age and THEN killed by a very slow and painful death. Oh wait sorry, I didn’t mean to insult bugs….

    VirotiNeis792 March 10, 2024 7:48 pm
    Nah just dying isn’t enough, the bug needs to be tortured emotionally, mentally, and physically before being forced to die either a slow and very painful death or be brought down completely, make him not want... Sosloth

    Yeah bugs have their uses while the irrelevant waste of humankind isnt ...