AYO IS THIS THE AUTHORS WAY OF SUBTLY SEEING IF WE WILL GO FOR THE GL ROUTE!? Cause if it is… I’m not for it (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against GL but it’s the fact that the FL is being shipped with a cheater and manipulator… yeah no. Also, I know for a fact that her ex fiancé is only accepting that child because he knows it’s his only connection with her… like bro move on Anyway this pregnancy announcement had me laughing so hard especially with the potential dadd- *pardon me* I mean dad and Queen
AYO IS THIS THE AUTHORS WAY OF SUBTLY SEEING IF WE WILL GO FOR THE GL ROUTE!? Cause if it is… I’m not for it (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against GL but it’s the fact that the FL is being shipped with a cheater and manipulator… yeah no. Also, I know for a fact that her ex fiancé is only accepting that child because he knows it’s his only connection with her… like bro move on Anyway this pregnancy announcement had me laughing so hard especially with the potential dadd- *pardon me* I mean dad and Queen