Wish it was longer.

OnePageMoar March 2, 2024 6:51 am

Cute art and characters, that's for sure!

However... I wish it wasn't so short. It really left me feeling like this was an unfinished draft that was changed into a short story. No character development, no real info on the characters in general- just short fluff. I can tell the writer put thought into it from the author's note... so it would have been nice to see that realized.

As pretty and cute as it was, I felt rather meh about it. MC felt very childish and only gets his way through his tears. He comes across as a total child. I understand that ML finds that "endearing" but as a reader it feels kinda off putting. All I can think of MC as is a manchild who would need ML to play the mommy role. It just reminds me of all the women complaining that their men expect them to do everyyyything to the point of feeling like a mom. xD

I wish this was at least 20 chapters and that they touched on A) MC taking care of himself like an adult B) brief explanation of imprinting, or hinting that they imprinted C) ML voicing his thoughts D) MC doing something to show ML he cares for him beyond just crying.
