This is my kind of bullsh*t

Krixel March 2, 2024 5:21 am

I love overthinking MC that has a misunderstanding, but because they don't want to have an unhealthy mindset about it that they ended up just accepting and moving on. I know communicating is the healthier way and that would resolve all the problems but as someone who struggles with confrontation. Instead of talking about it, I just fix my own way of thinking about it and move on. It limits the stress and the struggle and you end up feeling better in the end. I love that he actually felt better after resolving his issue. He saw it as a " me problem". Hahahah

    pennyinheaven March 2, 2024 6:03 am

    You get it. Lol. Not a lot do. I also relate to the MC. Going with the flow because it's a me problem.

    kareot March 2, 2024 6:17 am

    true, like at first i’d be frustrated looking at them creating these misunderstandings but then honestly maybe i feel frustrated because he’s doing the same thing i always do and it’s a wake up call for me like “damn i’m THIS insufferable huh” like if it works out then that’s good but if it doesn’t, oh well, what can i do