
Yieksel March 2, 2024 2:49 am

why do authors keep on forcly adding romance to magnificent action manhuas/webtoon/mangga? whos behind this shit? a strong MC with good plot and story doesnt need any bitch so please stop this nonsense y’all

    ꀘꋪꍟꍏ꓄ꂦꋪ March 2, 2024 5:00 am


    wilson March 2, 2024 5:54 am

    yesssss and some people will be like " what's with all this hate on women?! s3xist!!! misogynist!!!"

    Like gurlllll it's not like that cuz it's not the being a woman part that we're angry about...

    It's the badly written female characters that the authors wrote that we are angry about hence the people saying we don't need a FL like that or in other words "the story doesn't need any b1tch" like Yieksel said

    Like not only do they hinder the action plot, they are usually also used as damsels in distress. And when the author tries to make them a girl boss they just come across as a b1tch

    I'm just so tired and frustrated by the amount of works I had to drop just cause the author needed to give fanservice.

    Japanese and Chinese authors. I'm talking about yous 4sses. Korean authors too but they get a questionable pass from me just cause

    Ok. Here's homework you can copy yall dang authors. Look at the women here. Gorgeous, actually has personalities and not purely for male fanservice.


    yes it's shoujo but still! Take notes!

    wilson March 2, 2024 5:55 am
    yesssss and some people will be like " what's with all this hate on women?! s3xist!!! misogynist!!!" Like gurlllll it's not like that cuz it's not the being a woman part that we're angry about... It's the badl... wilson

    as you can see from my long azz reply I was bottling this all up sorry for the rant~

    Tsukissme March 2, 2024 7:23 am

    FR FR FR
    There's a lot of promising shounen/action manhwa/hua/ga that I dropped. It's annoying when they add a romance or harem. Like the "The beginning after the end" I'm so disappointed when they introduced Tes and she's the FL DAMN.

    (That's why ORV, TOFC, S-classes that I raised is top tier

    Yieksel March 2, 2024 10:52 am
    yesssss and some people will be like " what's with all this hate on women?! s3xist!!! misogynist!!!" Like gurlllll it's not like that cuz it's not the being a woman part that we're angry about... It's the badl... wilson

    big big big check on this reply, fact check reality check you know.

    for me, i think ive read all kinds of recomended action works in this site and im just possed and used to being disapointed when in the middle the author opt to put romance when its not even needed.

    i was really frustrated with this work, NM (initials at best

    Yieksel March 2, 2024 11:11 am
    FR FR FRThere's a lot of promising shounen/action manhwa/hua/ga that I dropped. It's annoying when they add a romance or harem. Like the "The beginning after the end" I'm so disappointed when they introduced Te... Tsukissme

    agree, i also dropped that one damn! i think i have traima when i real the word FL and Harem in the comment section

    your list is on mine too. love it

    ꀘꋪꍟꍏ꓄ꂦꋪ March 2, 2024 3:38 pm
    FR FR FRThere's a lot of promising shounen/action manhwa/hua/ga that I dropped. It's annoying when they add a romance or harem. Like the "The beginning after the end" I'm so disappointed when they introduced Te... Tsukissme

    OMGGGG RIGHTTT. i cant fucking stand Tes. And dude is alrdy a grown ass adult. Its just weird.