Omg I'm so happy I found such a gem.The art is so pretty and I know,I KNOW,the characters ...

Sofia March 1, 2024 10:32 pm

Omg I'm so happy I found such a gem.The art is so pretty and I know,I KNOW,the characters are not perfect,but I actually like that about them.Been a long time since I've read a story that pulls me in,and again,the fact that they all look sooo pretty helps lol.That's why I was surprised to read so many comments saying they don't like the main protagonists.I find the uke to be such a sweetheart,and yes hes a little bit of a pushover but you can tell he has some fire in him,he actually resisted and threw a few punches here and there when he felt uncomfortable.You can tell that when he does give in easily its because of all those pent up feelings.I mean,who's not a little bit of a pushover when they have a crush?Considering he doesnt look like he had much experience and the seme is his first love i find his actions quite realistic.And he actually has a personality.Usually when you read about pushover characters they're just portrayed as a shy blushing mess without a sense of humor or without a life outside the seme,but he actually has friends,people who care about him and with whom he can act comfortable with,and he's a little goofy.Hes such a cutie I don't understand how people don't like himand I don't find the seme to be so emotionless like some are saying.Yes he's a bit of a red flag,but it's nothing new in the yaoi world,but he still hasn't done something TOO concerning.He has a sadistic syde to him,CLEARLY,but his partners till now we're all consensient and he actually stopped from full on raping the uke when he was told to,which in retrospect is only basic human decency but considering we're still in the yaoi realm here,its a pretty decent dealand again,he seems like he's suppressing a lot,the biting of the lips is very telling and i liked how the author decided to insert that in very specifics moments.This has gotten so long but i'm really excited to see how the story is gonna evolve!

    Ansatsusama March 1, 2024 11:26 pm

    At least someone who understand My feelings

    Drink4867 March 2, 2024 12:24 am

    Yes, agreed with everything. The comments are not always a good indicator of the general readers. Seeing as this is very popular, it’s fair to assume people like the characters and story.

    Ansatsusama March 2, 2024 1:58 am
    Yes, agreed with everything. The comments are not always a good indicator of the general readers. Seeing as this is very popular, it’s fair to assume people like the characters and story. Drink4867

    Yeah! I don't understand very well why people saw the Uke (in general) like some kind of víctims... Can't understand. In this particular case You can SEE as clear as water Youngwoon have a CRUSH hard for the Blondie and the Blondie is just like that too

    Drink4867 March 2, 2024 2:50 am
    Yeah! I don't understand very well why people saw the Uke (in general) like some kind of víctims... Can't understand. In this particular case You can SEE as clear as water Youngwoon have a CRUSH hard for the B... Ansatsusama

    Yes!! They clearly still have feelings for each other.