1) https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3686909/home/
Morning diamonds. My old username and picture profile. February 7, 2024
2) https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3687008/home/
This one started impersonating TM. Now they are being Assertive Tigritude February 7, 2024
These two are the same cyber stalker. He admitted to us and on two other threads he will write with one and then come back with the other account talking about himself as the other account.
3) https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3690382/home/
A copy of me, Empowered Guardian February 10, 2024
4) https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/home/
a copy of me, Empowered Guardian, February 21, 2024
5) https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3691955/home/
a copy of TM, February 11, 2024
6) https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3704978/home/
a copy of Aloha, February 22, 2024
7) parody https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3683573/home/
a parody of my old name February 4, 2024
There could be more.
Ignore this unless you want to read something non-jinx related but it is a warning.
Some fake accounts are impersonating me and my friends and some others. We have been calling them trolls but they are not. They are cyberstalking. Apart from the clones of us, there are a few accounts cyber stalking us.
We are asking them to stop harassing everyone. Stop spamming the walls here. Stop impersonating us.
We have asked them to leave us alone. I have said it. TM has said it. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15361335/ "To the trolls: Stop.
We deserve to be treated with respect, kindness, and good-faith engagement.
This is not acceptable and you need to take responsibility for your bad behavior.
Copied from MD.
Please do not contact us again. We will report this."
Since the 9th, we have addressed some things but we have not talked to them. It is clear now they are not trolls.
Cyberstalking is a crime.
We have addressed their bad behaviors, and we tried to understand them to stop this but they are only gaslighting and think this is funny and they are not even talking about us. It is a made-up version.
We are saying this again. Please do not contact us again. Stop trying to talk to us. Stop gaslighting everyone about us. We will report this. This is wrong and inexcusable. I will not let them do this again and the next time they do this could be towards minors. This is an illegal site that does not mean you can behave in any way you want to. Illegal site or not, you are breaking the law.
Today this is the third post I am saying this. I want it to be clear and read by them.
The other two times.