That’s why I didn’t read A married man. And the most infuriating part is that people call garbage like these stories ‘psychological’ even tho it’s not. I’m a huge psychological horror and thrill fan, and shit stories like this is just a way for authors to sell their work but r4pe, s3x abuse sells faster.
I haven’t read this manhwa. I just randomly checked some chapters and latest chapters. How can someone actually like this plot? This made me remember about ‘No reason’ manhwa. There are people who liked that disgusting story and there are people who like this story too, I’m just so scared of these kind of people.
I’ve read tons of dark things but plots like this is beyond disgusting. ‘Inhumane’ doesn’t even describe such people. Real people like such stuff, dk what kind of things they can do to people close to them. Scary.