Hell yeah people overthink for hours, days, maybe weeks, perhaps months. But she's been at this for what I assume to be ~15 years! Is she going to live her whole life stuck without moving on? How long is long enough for her to wake up? She's just gonna stay with this dude for 30+ years and still deny his feelings everyday? Even on her deathbed is she just going to say "We have spent 50 years married and you have always been by my side giving me all of your affection. But that doesn't matter because your love for me is fake"? Is it ok for her to spend 20, 30, 40, 50 years harping on the same shit and singing the same song? She's literally literally li-te-ra-lly *wasting* her time. She's the only one perpetually stuck on the past.
She overthinks things too much. He doesn't love her because he's cursed. He loves her but people dismiss it as a curse. The Astariols are perfect and love is the only thing that "taints" their perfection and gives them humanity. Their culture makes it seem like a bloody tragedy when it happens. Imagine freaking the hell out because (half) human people are experiencing human emotions. She's so caught up in her regret, self hatred, and guilt that she doesn't see she's making herself out to be more important than she actually is. This man fell for her all on his own. I'm tired of her being caught up in this dumb "Im evil because someone fell in love with me" nonesense. I know she's made mistakes but she's honestly taking some crazy ass leaps in reasoning.