Was that a filler chapter?

Rose March 1, 2024 6:28 am

I am sleep-deprived. I havent slept since yesterday. But I wanted to say damn. nothing happened.

So Dan
is weak-willed
is spineless
is a damsel in distress

a confused ass doctor. You're telling me he studied for a job that needs connection and yet is meek like that? Surely there are introverts

but in his old age? Not a lick of social knowledge?

Not even a character development? Do you need to go to war Dan just so you can come back a man? Wait you're Korean. Right. Not even that helped huh

I am so tired of him. Or maybe I am tired and so when I read that i got tired of him. I didn't have it in me to be understanding. You're telling me he followed that man cause he knows where his grandma is? Tell me the thouhght process in this one. Just tell me because when I was readimg that I was so out of it that I stared at them sitting at a cafe for like a minute. Just PAUSE. No thoughts. PAUSE. What was the reason Dan??? And he was like weighing his options with the guy. DUDE (wait what was his name again the seme something liek Dokja no way ? Jaekyung I looked at the comments)


JAEKYUNG paid your debt yet he out there sitting with this guy weighing stuff you got no stuff to weigh you're sold bro. At least until you serviced the money he paid or something. Anyway, that was unbelievable for me. I could have let that passed but I am so sleepy I couldnt.

His thought process, too. goddang. What are you a teenager? this was my problem with BJ Alex too, the uke got away wih a lot of cruel things he did but the seme getting crucified burnt on the comments. Mans got his seme out of his career bruh idk what yall thoughts on that but you mess with my income I will smack you the fuck up. And all of that because he had a misunderstanding that seme loves another man but whats it to him he wasnt anything in the semes life and the seme made it so fucking clear to him too.


This kindergarten grade ass level of thinking should be banned. Speak UP boy.

I dont even remeber anything about Jaekying right now. So this is about Dan. Mans ticked somehting inside of me following that weird ass guy. Ypu gotta be some fucking naive just born out of your mothers vagina to be following some stranger that has like an INSIGNIFICANT INFORMATION

he knows where his grandmas in? Goddang I must follow. what a fucking idiot

    teh_Sanders March 1, 2024 8:54 am

    Ma'am you are hilarious

    Empowered Guardian March 1, 2024 2:42 pm

    u know what while i don’t agree w the ‘don’t leave JK bc you were sold to him’ i agree w the he is naive as hell bit… though what the guy is offering is a cure from the united states for his grandma