
SamLovesSHINee March 1, 2024 4:34 am

I like Taeju's character maybe because his redemption arc/ behavior seems more believable to me then with other stories. We often see horrible tops magically turn good.
Obviously what Taeju did was horrible but in general he's not an overall horrible person to everyone. Evil tops in other stories are often portrayed as feared by all or they are fake nice with no real relationships.
Taeju has family that he loves and the people around him obviously don't fear him. The restaurant owner scolds him easily and the other workers like him. The girl in his office gives him shit.
So him switching to shitty to lovable once he realized he was in love was believable. Also why he instantly realized how horrible he was because he understands that's not the way you treat someone you care about.
Though on the flip side maybe it makes him worse. Like you know the right way to treat people so why we're you so rough will a poor defenseless omega.
Anywho just thoughts
