the stepmom tho

Silver_Moon789 March 1, 2024 1:01 am

Damn to have her daughter be a crazy b has got to be stressful af. Yeah she's a mistress knowing the guy had a wife so there is some fault, but it's mostly the dad's fault anyway and she's pretty respectful to the social order so to speak. She also seems like a genuinely nice person, how on earth did fermina come out of her T-T Def all the dad's fault, man's a terrible person.

Also, I'm happy MC got her second chance because she was def twisted by the mom, but also like....are you fr?? Did the brother support fermina in the past life just because MC was a little twisted and "temperamental" knowing full well that she was straight up not having a good time from their own mother and that's why she turned out the way she did?? Damn good thing he making it up in this timeline he made me mad.

The prince at least I understand his reasoning, fermina simply was more useful politically so of course he was gonna switch, but the brother??? his own blood sister?? damn wtf even if he didn't know she was going to end up in a brothel, I doubt she did anything that terrible to fermina to deserve that. I hope there's a flashback POV switch to the brother finding out fermina sent his sister to a brothel instead of the convent and regretting that she died by the time he found out. Do shit get hit with regrets and trauma and alll that

    Marceline April 22, 2024 10:18 am

    It’s literally the basic shit in these villainess manga. Like in the first or second chapter the brother was more on the MC side due to the fact that she acted like a helpless damsel in distress and not a temperamental brat like how she used to behave. The brother is a basic guy who likes to feel needed and protect the people he cares about. The MC never really gave him that chance in her first life.

    In her past life the mc acting like a brat and basically a typical stupid villainess is what led to her downfall since her father and brother was both on the “heroine” side due to her acting like a white lotus bitch that can’t do anything for herself and always need someone to save her.

    The prince is the only one who truthfully wasn’t romantically into the “heroine”. He genuinely didn’t care about her. she was literally only a political pawn to him and a way to solidify his relationship with the duke since the duke first daughter was being exiled and sent to be a prostitute for her “wrongdoings”. The prince is the classic typical ML that will only do what will benefit him until he finds someone intriguing to him.

    So in a way it’s understandable why the brother wasn’t close to his sister in her first life especially since they were never close as children and he would be gone being a kid while she study with their mother and their parents definitely played a part in why they aren’t close. I’m not saying the brother is not in the wrong because he is to a certain extent.

    I genuinely really feels bad for her mother at a certain extent because she isn’t a horrible person. She is definitely at fault for messing with a married man but she knows her place and doesn’t expect much from him but who knows how the daughter made her feel. If the daughter could publicly humiliate her mother with the words nobles say about her while only sticking up for her father then she definitely done worse behind closed doors. She is a good stepmother and doesn’t try to overstep boundaries. But the daughter…